Beer Style: Bock

53 result(s).



While the Maibock whistles a sweeter, simple song, doppelbock comes at you full force. There’s no holding back malt flavor, aroma and complexity with this style. Recipe courtesy of Aaron Hyde.

Springfield Brewing Co: Aviator Doppelbock clone


The winter seasonal was brewed by BYO’s own technical editor, Ashton Lewis. Springfield Brewing Company says that Aviator “drinks like dessert in a glass and is delicious when paired with dried fruits, roasted nuts, and creamy cheese.”

Närke Kulturbryggeri: Tanngnjostr & Tanngrisnir clone


Berith Karlsson, from Närke Kulturbryggeri, said of this smoked doppelbock spiced with juniper twigs, “being a double bock lager, (it) is named after the two goats pulling the wagon of Thor, the god of thunder.”

Iron Hill Brewery: Bridge Street Bock clone


This beer won a bronze medal at the 2014 World Beer Cup. Brewer Tim Stumpf notes that he likes to add a sprinkle of calcium chloride to promote round, smooth maltiness in this beer.

Abita Brewing Company: Andygator Doppelbock clone


This original high-gravity brew is made with Pilsner hops, German lager yeast, and German Perle hops and features a slightly sweet flavor and dry aroma.

Schloss Eggenberg: Samichlaus clone


For a long time, Samiclaus held the title as strongest beer in the world. Samichlaus is a doppelbock that continues to develop the longer it is aged.

Klosterbrauere Ettaler Curator clone


This doppelbock is much darker tasting than others, with massive aromas and flavors of fruitcake, port, figs and raisins. Although extremely rich and thick, this beer is readily drinkable which poses a dilemma after a liter or so. There seem to be a lot of German bierkellars that have tilted, uneven floors!

Brauerei Aying Ayinger Celebrator clone


This massively malty Bavarian dopplebock is darker than Salvator and shows a distinct chocolate malt character.

Schneider Weisse: Aventinus clone


This beer is basically a wheat doppelbock, made to compete with the true doppelbocks. It features notes of raisins, plums, bananas, cloves, and a touch of chocolate. A decoction mash and extended boil are really needed to bring out the dark malt and caramel flavors.

Rogue Ales: Dead Guy clone


According to Rogue’s website, “In the style of a German Maibock, using our proprietary Pacman yeast, Dead Guy is deep honey in color with a malty aroma and a rich, hearty flavor.”



by the numbers OG: 1.064–1.072 (15.7–17.5 °P) FG: 1.011–1.018 (2.8–4.6 °P) SRM: 6–11 IBU: 23–35 ABV: 6.3–7.4% I have always been a fan of German-style lagers. In fact, my love of the



When new homebrewers come into the hobby, it seems that they often focus on pale ale, IPA and stout. I think I was really lucky when I started homebrewing, because many of

53 result(s) found.
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