Beer Style: Brown Ale
5 British Ale Clone Recipes
We got the scoop on five classic British ales and serve them up like bangers and mash. Try our clone recipes for Bass & Co.’ Pale Ale, Young’s Double Chocolate Stout, Newcastle Brown Ale, Young’s Special London and Fuller’s London Porter.
The 10 Easiest Beer Styles
It’s Brew Your Own’s Tenth Anniversary and we’re kicking off a year-long series of articles with our list of the 10 most approachable beer styles.
Rogue Ales: Hazelnut Brown Nectar clone
A nutty twist to a traditional European Brown Ale. Dark brown in color with a hazelnut aroma, a rich nutty flavor and a smooth malty finish
American Brown Ale
OG = 1.040 to 1.060 FG = 1.010 to 1.017 IBU = 25 to 60 SRM = 15 to 22 American brown ale is a style that is modeled after English brown
Smoked Maple Brown Ale
“Kick Save, and a Beauty…” by Scott R. Russell I had a fairly athletic upbringing. All of my male relatives were sports fans, and I can’t remember ever not being one myself.
American and English Brown Ale
Brown ales, sometimes known as nut brown because of their color, originated in England and exist as a very strong style today. Brown ale is broken into two categories, Northern brown
Brown Ale
Brown ale originated in London and probably evolved from porter at a time when consumers demanded a less hoppy brew at a more affordable price. Today many view brown ale as the
Brown Ale
The Beer that Makes Judges Tremble