Beer Style: English Bitter, Mild, and Pale Ale

The Kernel Brewery’s Table Beer clone


The best selling beer at Kernel Brewery (London, England) is their table beer, which is a well-balanced session ale with a great hop presence, smooth body, and a surprising hoppiness for a 3.3% ABV beer.

Grantham Mild


The best thing about brewing a mild is that you get to dial up pretty much all of your favorite malt flavors, in whatever ratio you’d like, in a session-strength beer – and all you need to do is back out the black barley and sub in a bunch of fun character malts. You can still have a touch of roast in there (if you want), but you also get biscuit, toffee, nut, molasses, toast, plum, raisin . . . you get the picture.

Bone Idle Bitter


A schwarz’ed version of an English bitter.

A Bitter to Be Proud Of


Jamil Zainasheff provides readers with an English Bitter that they can be proud of. Find ingredients and step by step here.

Fugglemania Pale Ale


Looking for a Fuggle-focused English pale ale recipe? Well this maybe what you are looking for.

British Golden Ale


This recipe is a bit of an unorthodox take on the style in that it uses Vienna malt and some lighter crystal malts, and mixes in some Czech-like hops. But the final flavor profile is very much in line with the better examples of British golden ale that I’ve tried, and it helps show that you can do a bit of fusion of different brewing styles and cultures to create a modern beer. Coming in on the smaller side of ABV, it’s a great beer for the summer or when looking for a session beer.

Firestone Walker Brewing Company: Double Barrel Ale clone


Double Barrel Ale utilizes the Firestone Union system, which will be very difficult to duplicate at home. But here is our best attempt at getting a Double Barrel Ale clone.

Deschutes Brewery’s Bachelor Bitter clone


This is a traditional-style English pub bitter that is only available on tap at the Bend brewpub. Features notes of caramel and is very earthy.

Timothy Taylor Brewery: Landlord clone


According to the brewery’s website: “A strong classic ale with a golden amber colour. It has a scent of caramel, light fruits and roasted malt hints.”

Timothy Taylor Brewery: Boltmaker clone


Formerly known as Best Bitter, this classic English bitter was renamed in 2012 but retains its classic copper/amber color, citrus and fruity hop character, and a roasted, malty bitter finish.

Coach House: Post Horn Premium Ale clone


This extra special bitter pours a gold color and features a light, floral hop aroma.

Anchor Brewing Company: Anchor Small Beer clone (2nd Runnings)


This beer is brewed using the second runnings from a batch of Old Foghorn. Estimating the efficiency in such a scenario is quite challenging so be prepared to make some gravity adjustments upwards with dried malt extract or downwards by dumping some wort and topping off with water.

87 result(s) found.
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