Beer Style: Fruit Beer

71 result(s).

Panther Pee


Homebrewers who attended the 1999 Dixie Cup — The Fred Files — know that “The beer is out there.”  Don Sadja relates how he came up with his stupid idea. “I thought: Why not use a great imperial stout recipe as a base and do something stupid like add raspberry flavoring to it.” Apparently not so stupid, as it produced a very drinkable beer!

Practically Perfect Peach (Peach Wheat)


Beer brewed by BYO’s Dave Green, which was tasted live by Brad Ring on National Public Radio’s daily show "On Point" on Friday, October 1, 2010.

Redhead CPA (Cherry Pale Ale)


Not your typical American Pale Ale.  This one comes with cherries. Recipe submitted by Homebrew Pro Shoppe, Inc., Olathe, Kansas

Apricot Harvest Wit


Recipe submitted by Ben Knoerdel formerly of Ben’s Homebrew in Tarentum, Pennsylvania. This is a light, crisp and wonderfully delicious beer Ben made for his wife who doesn’t like bitter, hoppy beers.

Kraig’s Chocolate Raspberry Ale


A amber-colored fruit ale with raspberries and chocolate added.

Carissa Sweigart’s Cranberry Wit


One of the winners of Boston Brewing Company’s LongShot contest.

Cherry Brown Ale


A fun-to-brew Brown Ale with some home toasted malts and a lot of cherries!

Raspberry Porter


The magical combination of raspberries with the chocolate-y flavors of a porter…delicious.

Fruit Beers


Some folks think fruit beer is for beginners, but that’s not the case. Just like getting a tan on vacation — you need to start with a good base.

JM’s Peach Ginger Lager


A basic Lager, with honey, peaches, and fresh ginger.

Homebrewing with Fruit: Tips from the Pros


Summer is a great time to brew a fruit beer and our two professional brewers will help make sure your next one isn’t the pits.

Fruit Brewing Techniques


How to make a berry good beer.

71 result(s) found.