Beer Style: Porter Family
1744 Porter
Terry Foster submits his re-constructed recipe of a 1744 London Porter written by William Ellis, which he states “may in fact be closer to authenticity than at first appears to be the case.”
Barren Hill Tavern & Brewery Justa Porter clone
Barren Hill Tavern & Brewery Justa Porter clone Erin Wallace re-opened one of the oldest taverns in the United States two years ago, as a logical next step from her successes running
Stockholm Syndrome Baltic Porter
One style that’s making a comeback here in the United States is Baltic porter. Although it can be brewed as a lager, many breweries have adapted to fermenting with ale yeast, which works well for this style.
Samuel Adams Brewing Company: Holiday Porter clone
This holiday release features a deep dark color, with rich chocolate and coffee flavors, as well as cinnamon, and nutmeg.
Hill Farmstead Brewery’s Everett clone
Named for Brewmaster Shaun Hill’s grandfather’s brother, this porter is brewed using American malted barley, English and German roasted malts, American hops, and the Hill Farmstead house ale yeast. It features deep dark flavors of coffee and chocolate.
Captured by Porches Brewing Company: Punctured by Corpses Undead Porter clone
This porter has an unusually heavy body/mouthfeel from the use of a high percentage of unmalted grains, and a nose that accents hints of coffee and caramel. Chocolate dominates the flavor with just enough hops to prevent the finish from being too sweet.
Maui Brewing Co.’s Coconut Hiwi Porter clone
Maui Brewing Co.’s flagship porter, flavored with hand-toasted coconut.
Kissmeyer Beer & Brewing: Baltic Porter clone
“Medium bodied, dry, with a crisp lager background. Medium bitterness, aroma and flavor dominated by roasted malts, noble hops, and a noticeable but not overpowering smokiness. The taste is rather long, crispy dry with intense roast maltiness, subtly enhanced by the addition of a little bit of raw licorice. Think: Your favorite Baltic porter with some extra layers of smoke, complexity and depth!” — Anders Kissmeyer
O’Fallon Brewery’s Cherry Chocolate Beer
According the O’Fallon Brewery’s website, “O’Fallon Cherry Chocolate is a dark wheat beer that tastes like a chocolate covered cherry…only better! We use four kinds of grain along with natural cherry and chocolate flavors for a smooth, delicious brew …the perfect sipping beer for the cooler winter months.”
Great Lakes Brewing Company: Edmund Fitzgerald Porter clone
A rich, robust, complex ale that was brewed as a tribute to the legendary freighter’s fallen crew.
Hank is Wiser Brewery’s Porter Potty Porter clone
Porter Potty Porter clone Hank is Wiser Brewery, KS (5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains) OG = 1.050 FG = 1.012 IBU = 48 SRM = 25 ABV = 5% Ingredients 6.6
Big Time Brewing’s Goddess Porter clone
Big Time Brewing’s Goddess Porter clone Big Time Brewing, Washington’ (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) OG = 1.060 FG = 1.018 IBU = 33 SRM = 31 ABV = 5.5% Ingredients 9 lb.