Beer Style: Porter
Icicle Brewing Company’s Priebe Porter clone
The Priebe Porter is a classic representation of an American robust porter. The color is very dark brown but still displays nice clarity and beautiful ruby highlights.
Gordon Strong’s Baltic Porter
My version is somewhat of a hybrid, taking inspiration from the Swedish Carnegie Porter, but making it as a lager and scaling up the strength. Specialty malts and sugars provide much of the flavor profile, while lagering provides the smoothness.
Denny’s Bourbon Vanilla Imperial Porter
Denny wanted to make a beer to give to friends for Christmas. Normally that would be a barrel-aged something or other, but time was short and he didn’t have a barrel anyway! So he thought about what a Bourbon barrel might bring to a porter. And voila!
Warszawski Porter Lodowy (Warsaw Baltic Porter)
Here is a recipe for the base beer of Warsaw Baltic Porter from a recipe from the now shut-down Royal Warsaw Brewery, one of the original brewers of the Baltic Porter. The author went on to ice (lodowy) half of the fermented beer to make it a Warszawski Porter Lodowy.
Zek’s Porter
Jamil Zainasheff’s Baltic Porter recipe which can be brewed using a lager strain or any clean fermenting ale yeast.
Neshaminy Creek Brewing Co.’s Maximum Mocha Porter clone
A chocolate pastry porter with coffee beans and coffee-infused dark chocolate.
The Kernel Brewery’s Export India Porter clone
This recipe is based on some of the Barclay Perkins (1855) and Whitbread (1856) porters that were sent out to India nearly two hundred years ago. Of course, elements of the ingredients, equipment, and processes are different, and tastes have also changed over time, so in keeping with The Kernel’s philosophy, they have made a beer that contemporary beer drinkers want to drink, rather than a blindly faithful copy of a 19th century recipe.
Wolaver’s Alta Gracia Coffee Porter clone
Wolaver’s Alta Gracia Coffee Porter clone (5 gallons/19 L, all-grain) OG = 1.068 FG = 1.020 IBU = 27 SRM = 65 ABV = 6.2% Ingredients 11.25 lbs. (5.1 kg) 2-row pale
Duncan Hills Brutal Coffee Porter
Would you like a smooth-drinking porter with subtle coffee notes layered in between the roasted grain aromas? Then don’t even look at this recipe. If you like your coffee black, your porter robust and your death metal Swedish, then this your beer.
Gordon Strong’s London Porter
This recipe took first place at the SODZ British Beer Festival, and is fairly straightforward. It is meant to be in the style of Fuller’s London Porter (my personal favorite), with brown malt being the key flavor ingredient. It was entered in the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP) Brown Porter category.
Gordon Strong’s American Robust Porter
This is a more modern take on an American robust porter, although it probably falls in between the BJCP Brown Porter and Robust Porter categories. Note the general similarity with the second recipe in this collection. It also is a nice base beer for a smoked porter; add a half pound of German rauchmalz and lower the bitterness to about 25 IBUs. For a more ‘robust’ American version, double the black malt, add 2 more pounds (0.9 kg) of base malt, and increase the late hops.
Gordon Strong’s Classic American Porter
This is my take on the lagered porters of the Northeast, in the style of Yuengling. It’s important to not have an overtly roasted flavor; licorice-type flavors are desirable, but not burnt. A less bitter version of this beer without the crystal malt will do nicely as a Dark American Lager. It might work in the Brown Porter category, but entering it as a Specialty Beer would work too.