Beer Style: Porter

Brown Porter


by the numbers OG: 1.040–1.052 (10.0–12.9 °P) FG: 1.008–1.014 (2.1–3.6 °P) SRM: 20–30 IBU: 18–35 ABV: 4.0–5.4% I am a big fan of all British-style beers. I think the great balance of

Baltic Porter


I wasn’t very impressed with the first few commercial examples of Baltic porter I tasted. They were oxidized and a bit too sweet from long travels and time spent sitting on the

Raspberry Robust Porter


Robust Porter


OG = 1.050 to 1.065 FG = 1.012 to 1.016 IBUs = 25 to 45 SRM = 30+ ABV = 4.8 to 6.0% Porter originated in London, England as early as the 18th

Santa Fe Brewing’s State Pen Porter: Replicator


Dear Replicator, My daughter was visiting Cedar Crest, New Mexico, and had the pleasure of drinking State Pen Porter from Santa Fe Brewing Company. She said it was the best porter she had ever had. It’s not available within

Pre-Prohibition Porter


by the numbers OG: 1.046–1.060 FG:1.010–1.016 SRM:18–30 IBU:20–30 ABV:4.5–6% The United States has been called the melting pot, but that metaphor was meant to describe cultural assimilation of immigrants not the creation

Brewing Historical Porters & Stouts


I have attempted to brew versions of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century porters and stouts that do not always fit our modern definitions, but are simply good beers in their own right. In other

Brewing Award-Winning Porter


“It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.” – Winston Churchill, 1939 Sir Winston was referring to Russia, but the same quote could as easily apply to porter, the

Black Widow Porter


Fuller’s London Porter Clone


According to Fuller’s website, “A modern take on the 19th century porter style, Fuller’s rich, chocolatey London Porter recaptures the brooding beauty of pre-Victorian London. It’s evocative of simpler times but it’s a wonderfully complex pint.”

The Mole (Chipotle Porter)


Chipotle peppers bring a smoky, spicy flavor to this chocolatey porter recipe.

Threefold Cord Robust Porter


Recipe from professional chef and culinary consultant Mark Molinaro. Pairs with the Coffee Malt Pulled Pork recipe.

104 result(s) found.