Beer Style: Strong Ale Family

172 result(s).

Belgian Golden


There is no official “Belgian golden” category. Rather, it is “Belgian pale,” but this beer should not be confused with a regular pale ale of any sort. In fact if it were

Christmas Present Olde Ale


This ale is (loosely) based on a recipe for a barleywine.

Dubbel Trubbel


Here is my recipe for a spiced dubbel, not patterned after any one commercial example but rather an amalgam of several but with a bit of a twist. It is moderately strong, medium dark, spicy from both the yeast and the flavorings added. I recommend aging it well, trying it several different times over the course of a couple of years. In effect you will probably find that you have brewed several different small batches in one, as the flavors really evolve over time.

Scotch Ales


With a brewing history dating  to 43 AD, Scottish beer has had plenty of time to mature into a world-class beverage. With the craft-brewing movement channeling most of its energy into German

172 result(s) found.
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