How do I claim my BYO+ membership for the remainder of my print subscription term?
All active BYO print subscribers with issues still remaining to be served in 2025 have been already set up with a BYO+ membership for the remainder of your term with new issues available every other month in two different digital formats in addition to the other membership benefits. How you claim your new BYO+ membership depends on if you already have an existing online account at
A. If you already have a account (by ordering your print subscription through our website) then just log into your account and you’ve already been switched over to a BYO+ membership for the remainder of your term.
B. If you do not already have an existing online account at you need to claim your new BYO+ membership good for the remainder of your print subscription term. To set up your online account with your email and a password to log in for your special access. Here’s how you do it.
- Go to
- You will see two boxes to pull up your new paid BYO+ membership.
- In the Account Number box, enter the number provided in the mailed letter sent to you in December
- In the Zip Code box, enter your main zip code, but without the “plus four”. If you have a Canadian postal code please include any space as normal.
- Follow the remaining prompts including setting up your log in password.
- Questions? Email us at: [email protected]