
Nitro Stonefruit Sour

Nitro Stonefruit Sour

(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
OG = 1.044 FG = 1.011
SRM = 3 IBU = 6 ABV = 4.3%

The vanilla helps to make a more sherbet-like balance. You can add lactose to taste at packaging if you want more sweetness. The hop extract increases head retention, improving the perceived creaminess of the body and appearance of the beer. Lowering the pH before souring reduces protein breakdown by the bacteria, improving body and head retention.

9 lbs. (4.1 kg) Dingemans Pilsen malt
2 lbs. (0.91 kg) flaked oats
1 vanilla bean (day 5)
6 lbs. (2.7 kg) white nectarines, sliced or pureed (day 7)
4 lbs. (1.8 kg) white peaches, sliced or pureed (day 7)
1 Tbsp. lactic acid
1 g Kalsec Tetralone (tetra iso extract) (keg or bottling bucket)
2 GoodBelly Straight Shot (Lactobacillus plantarum)
Safale S-04 or Wyeast 1099 (Whitbread Ale) yeast
4 oz. (113 g) table sugar (if priming)

Step by Step
My water profile was as follows, 85 ppm calcium, 75 ppm chloride, 90 ppm sulfate, 15 ppm sodium, 10 ppm magnesium, and 90 ppm bicarbonate. Mash at 152 °F (67 °C) for 45 min. The wort is not boiled, only heated to 170 °F (77 °C), then chill to 85 °F (29 °C). Pitch two Goodbelly Straight Shots or another source of Lactobacillus brevis or Lactobacillus plantarum of your choice. Lower wort pH to 4.4-4.5 with approximately 1 Tbsp. (15 mL) of lactic acid. Leave at 68-70 °F (20-21 °C) to sour. After 24–36 hours of souring, aerate and pitch rehydrated S-04 or an English ale yeast strain of your choice. You may want to pasteurize the wort prior to pitching the brewer’s yeast if you want to mitigate the risk of Lacto infection in your brewery.

After five days, add one vanilla bean, split lengthwise. After a week, add fruit. Slice or puree the fruit discarding the pits but retaining the skins. After two weeks on the fruit, package adding the hop extract to the keg or bottling bucket while siphoning the beer. If serving on nitrogen, chill and pressurize to 20-25 PSI with beer gas. Otherwise, package the beer as you normally would.

Issue: July-August 2018

The vanilla helps to make a more sherbet-like balance. You can add lactose to taste at packaging if you want more sweetness. The hop extract increases head retention, improving the perceived creaminess of the body and appearance of the beer. Lowering the pH before souring reduces protein breakdown by the bacteria, improving body and head retention.

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