Gruit Ale
Leave the hops in the freezer for this brew session…welcome to the adventurous world of Gruits!
Celebration Beer
Something akin to the historic Burton ale, this Celebration Beer recipe has plenty of support from the hops to balance out the beer to provide a strong and complex, full-bodied beer.
Belgian Wit
Belgian wit had all but disappeared when Pierre Celis began his brewing career in the 1950s. Celis is credited for reviving the style in Belgium during his stint at the Hoegaarden brewery; then he moved to Texas, launched his own Belgian brewery and kick-started the style in the United States.
Dortmunder (German Export)
A pale lager named after the city it originated in.
Moylan’s Brewery’s Kilt-Lifter Wee Heavy clone
The recipe for Kilt-Lifter, the wee heavy they pour at Moylan’s, was developed in 10-gallon batches during Paddy Giffen’s days as a homebrewer. It’s unusual because it uses German hop varieties that are not traditional to this style.
American Amber II
Here is a nice, subtle version of an American Amber Ale that is good to pair with foods.
American Amber I
This version of American Amber Ale is moderately hopped and balanced by a moderately high gravity.
Gold Finger (James Blonde Barleywine)
This unconventional Barleywine is light in color but non-compromising in strength. It could also be called James Blonde.
Old Glory Barleywine
An no-fuss, extract only Barleywine recipe.
Saint-Valentine’s Metheglin
Is cinnamon an aphrodisiac? Lets find out…
Kiwi-Strawberry Melomel
Melomel = mead with added fruit. This is a great substitute for dry champagne.
Sparkling Cyser
A thirst-quenching but deceptively strong sparkling brew. Darker than most, because of the cider. Serve chilled.