Still of the Night Mead
A light, still straight mead, similar to a sweet white wine. Perfect as an aperitif or with dessert.
Traditional German Bock
A great Bock recipe for a traditional, triple decocted German Bock(bier).
Cherry Brown Ale
A fun-to-brew Brown Ale with some home toasted malts and a lot of cherries!
Doughboy Draught
Late WWI American-style Pilsner
Joseph Schlitz Brewing Company: Schlitz Gusto (circa 1960’s) clone
1960’s-style American Pilsner, a clone of “The Beer That Made Milwaukee Famous”
English Hard Cider
This cider is strong, still, and balanced, approximately 7 percent alcohol by volume.
New England Hard Cider
This cider is drier, slightly stronger, bubbly but not champagne-like, approximately 4.5 percent alcohol by volume.
Cidre Normande
This cider is light, sweet, fruity, and effervescent, approximately 3.5 percent alcohol by volume.
Dixie Cup Boardwalk Belgian Quadrupel
This was the beer that was given to each of the attendees of this year’s Houston Foam Ranger’s Dixie Cup Homebrew Competition. The theme was Fredopoly, based on the board game Monopoly and in honor of our annual speaker and homebrew pioneer, Fred Eckhardt.
Mike’s “Devilish” Belgian Strong Golden Ale
“You little devil, you!”
Salmon Creek Brewing Brother Larry’s Belgian clone
In 2012, Salmon Creek Brewing’s founders Ana and Larry Pratt sold their business. Today Old Ivy Brewery and Taproom stands in its place. Here is a recipe from Salmon Creek’s archives for their Belgian Dubbel.
Rhodan’s Back (Amber Acid Ale)
Amber Acid Ale denotes a beer that ferments with many more microorganisms than traditional brewers yeast. It is considered a cousin of the Lambic.