Ricey Saison
Ricey Saison
(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
OG = 1.054 FG = 1.004
IBU = 25 SRM = 7 ABV = 6.6%
4.75 lbs. (2.16 kg) pale ale malt
2.1 lbs. (0.97 kg) rice malt
1.75 lbs. (0.8 kg) Carawheat® malt (45 °L)
1.75 lbs. (0.8 kg) Vienna malt
1.4 lbs. (0.625 kg) Munich malt
6.7 oz. (186 g) Caramunich® II malt (46 °L)
8.75 AAU Sterling hops (45 min.) (1.25 oz./35 g at 7% alpha acids)
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 min.)
Lallemand Belle Saison or Wyeast 3711 (French Saison) yeast
3⁄4 cup corn sugar (if priming)
Step by step
This is a single infusion mash. On brew day, crush all of your grains. The rice malt will need to be crushed separately on a wider setting so it is not pulverized to dust.
Mash the milled grains at a 1.5 quarts-to-1 pound ratio of strike water (3.1 L/kg) at 152 °F (67 °C) for 45 minutes. Vorlauf until wort runs clear. Sparge with enough water to collect about 6 gallons (23 L) of wort in the kettle.
Boil for 45 minutes, adding the hops and Irish moss per the recipe. After the boil is complete, chill the wort to 64 °F (18 °C), rack to fermenting vessel. Aerate the wort and pitch the yeast. After 24 hours, allow the temperature to naturally ramp up by a couple of degrees per day. Bottle or keg after 3 weeks.
Ricey Saison
(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
OG = 1.054 FG = 1.004
IBU = 25 SRM = 7 ABV = 6.6%
3 lbs. (1.36 kg) pale ale liquid malt extract
1 lb. (0.45 kg) dry rice extract
1 lb. (0.45 kg) Vienna liquid malt extract
1 lb. (0.45 kg) Munich dried malt extract
1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) Carawheat® malt
6 oz. (168 g) Caramunich® II malt
8.75 AAU Sterling hops (45 min.) (1.25 oz./35 g at 7% alpha acids)
1 tsp. Irish moss (15 min.)
Lallemand Belle Saison or Wyeast 3711 (French Saison) yeast
3⁄4 cup corn sugar (if priming)
Step by step
Place the milled specialty grains into a grain bag and steep in about 2 gallons (7.5 L) of water at 160 °F (71 °C) for 30 minutes. Lift the grain bag out of the steeping liquid and rinse with warm water.
Thoroughly mix in the extracts and add enough water to the steeping liquid to make a pre-boil volume of about 6 gallons (23 L) and bring to a boil. Once the wort is boiling, add the bittering hops.
Follow the remainder of the all-grain recipe.
Written by Steve Ruch
A saison made with rice malt or dry rice extract.