November 1997
Fruit Beer: Tips from the Pros
Brewer: Peter Bouckaert Brewery: New Belgium Brewing Co., Ft. Collins, Colo. Years of experience: Nine Education: Degree in biochemistry in brewery and fermentation technology from CTL in Ghent, Belgium House Beers: Fat Tire (amber
Highland Holiday Ale
A smoky, herbal holiday ale for those looking to experiment with this kind of combination. There are some options and advice available with this recipe if brewers want to tweak this recipe to their taste.
The Natural Way to Carbonate
What is a German-style homebrewer to do? The poor fellow has sworn allegiance to Reinheitsgebot, the German purity law of 1516, and called all other brewers Schweinhunden for using ingredients other than
Creating New Hop Varieties
Ever wondered where your hops come from? You might know where they are grown, but what do you know about their origin? Many varieties used today were invented to enhance the best traits of
Brewing for Special Occasions
Toasting a special occasion with an adult beverage of your choice is a time-honored tradition. Homebrewers, of course, have the advantage of toasting their special events with really special beverages — homemade
Wheats of the World
From traditional Bavarian weisse to American wheat, six tasty ways to make refreshing wheat beer. Includes a starter recipe for your own experiments.
The Adjuncts
The array of non-malted adjuncts is almost as amazing as the number of specialty malts available. Basically, any grain can be used, to some degree, in brewing. The most used adjuncts are