October 2000
Mr. Wizard
Fresh hopped beers
Fresh, unkilned hops can certainly be used in beer and there is no right or wrong way to use them. I think fresh or “green” hops are best for late-hopping because of
Mr. Wizard
Can I mash in an oven?
The oven-mash method can be effective. A very slow increase from 100° to 150° F will give all mash enzymes an opportunity to convert the starches in malted barley into fermentable sugars.
Mr. Wizard
Forgot to add hops during my boil
There is not much great news to report on this unfortunate oversight. Hops need to be boiled to convert the insoluble alpha-acids into the soluble iso-alpha-acids. Unless the alpha-acids are “isomerized” during
Mendocino Brewing Co.’s Red Tail Ale clone
One of the classic and original American Amber Ales.
Don’t Boil It!
Here in the United States, conventional homebrewing wisdom holds that you should always boil prehopped extract beer kits. But does this help or hurt your beer? One expert offers some revolutionary advice: Follow the instructions on the kit!
Wild, Wild Rice!
Make some truly unique homebrew with this indigenous Northwoods grain. With recipes for all-grain, partial mash and extract versions.