September 2011
Mr. Wizard
Eliminating chill haze
Chill haze is the product of protein and polyphenol (tannin) interactions in beer and occur when beer is chilled, hence the name chill haze. There are various methods aimed at chill haze
Mr. Wizard
Quick Fermentations
To answer this question I will assume that you do not have a chilly root cellar where you are fermenting lagers, and that most, if not all, of your homebrews are ales.
Making Ice Cider
If you like making hard cider, you might enjoy making ice cider. Try fermenting this delicious dessert beverage that hails from the cool climate of Québec.
Beer Blending: Tips from the Pros
Want to try an easy homebrew experiment? Try blending!
Spent Grain Dog Treats
If you have spent grains and hungry dogs, try making treats from the grains for your canine friends.