September 2014
Bière de Garde
Jamil Zainasheff provides readers with a recipe to brew a classic Biére de Garde farmhouse-style ale.
Crushing Grains for Beginners
Whether it is grains, hops or adjuncts used in brewing, the freshness of your ingredients makes a huge difference. When it comes to grains, you can order them pre-crushed, but if you
Chalkboard Kegerator
Tired of bottling or looking to have a better serving option for your kegs? Build this chalkboard kegerator to have your own three-tap serving fridge.
Bale Breaker Brewing Company: Top Cutter IPA clone
Bale Breaker’s flagship IPA is a well-balanced West Coast IPA that boasts a complex floral, citrus aroma.
Weyerbacher Brewing Company: Imperial Pumpkin Ale clone
This hearty, full-bodied, spicy pumpkin ale is rich with cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, and clove.
Smuttynose Brewing Company: Pumpkin Ale clone
“This beer was designed to have some nice sweetness created by a mix of caramel malts and we wanted a decent hop presence as well. Over the years we’ve reduced the amount of cloves we’ve added as that one spice always seems to be the one to throw things out of balance. If I was brewing this at home I’d go easy on the clove and add more in later batches if needed.” ~ David Yarrington, Brewmaster
Understanding Beer Spoilage
Microorganisms can cause undesirable effects on beer in several ways, including undesirable changes in beer flavor and aroma. Growth of microorganisms on raw materials or in wort can produce changes that alter
Hop Pairing & Substitution
When the esteemed editorial staff of BYO suggested the topic of pairing hops and hop substitution, I thought it would be an interesting one to write about. Then I sat down to
No Chill Brewing
As the name suggests, no-chill brewing is the simple process of skipping the chilling step of homebrewing. It has had its ups and downs for me on California’s Central Coast. On the
Pumpkin Beer Tips & Clone Recipes
“Drip…drip…drip.” I only had 2 ounces (57 g) of rice hulls in my grain bag while brewing my second-ever pumpkin beer. In hindsight, I should have ditched the plan, but at 10
Homebrew Safety: Tips for Avoiding Injury
I learned about safety in my homebrewery the hard way. I started out homebrewing about ten years ago wearing flip flops, and usually shorts, with not a care about the dangers all
Maximize Your Mash: Understanding Impact of Equipment & Temperature
There is an old saying that brewers make wort but yeast make beer. It is hard to argue against that fact, but the wort we feed the yeast will determine the final
Bière de Garde
by the numbers OG:1.060–1.080 (14.7–19.3 °P) FG:1.008–1.016 (2–4.1 °P) SRM:6–19 IBU:18–28 ABV:6–8.5% It was well over a decade ago and I was still perfecting my brewing of the entire Beer Judge Certification
Seasonal Pumpkin Alternatives: Tips from Pros
Breweries across the country turn to pumpkins for their fall seasonals. However, a few brewers are treading their own paths and finding seasonal alternatives such as sweet potatoes, yams, and squash. Here
Bale Breaker Brewing Company’s Top Cutter IPA: Replicator
Dear Replicator, I recently visited Seattle. one beer especially caught me as soon as I opened the can with a wonderful hop aroma that kept my attention until the last drop. Can
KROC German Pils
A hopped up German-style Pilsner pulled together by KROC homebrew club for a yeast experiment.
Mr. Wizard
Late Hop Additions
The Wiz discusses late hop additions, the complex issue of CO2 qualities and mash stirring.