Topic: All Grain Brewing
Steeping & Soaking Grains
Steeping is the soaking of specialty malts, grains, and spices in water to extract flavors and aromas that we want to incorporate into our beer. It is, in essence, the making of
Build an Electric Brewing System
When I started thinking about a return to homebrewing, after a nearly-15-year hiatus, I started my research diligently to see what has changed since I got out of the hobby for a
Maximize Your Mash: Understanding Impact of Equipment & Temperature
There is an old saying that brewers make wort but yeast make beer. It is hard to argue against that fact, but the wort we feed the yeast will determine the final
Three Sparging Methods
My apologies to extract brewers, but today is solely about all-grain brewing, and how we get the extract out of the mash when conversion of starch is complete. Three techniques are practiced
Batch Sparging Basics
For homebrewers first getting into all-grain brewing, the terminology, technology and wide variety of methods can be confusing. Simplifying the process, especially for the first few all-grain batches, is important. All of
Brew in a Bag All-Grain Techniques
Brew-in-a-bag (BIAB) is the easiest and most economical way for an extract brewer to step-up into all-grain brewing. What makes this method (which was made popular by Australian homebrewers) unique is that
Theory and Practice of Lautering
Lautering is the act of separating sweet wort from spent grains. The act of lautering wort is physically very similar to filtration. The flow of wort through a grain bed can be
Milling — Theory and Practical Consideration
An all-grain brew day starts with heating the water and milling the grain. Learn the best ways to mill your malt.
Build a Mash Temperature Controller
I spent a lot of time controlling temperatures on the cold side of the brewing process in my early homebrew days, including temperature control during grain, hop and yeast storage, yeast propagation
All-Grain Brewing in a Bag
Your first thought on this term might be that this is the simplest form of brewing possible. Perhaps something like open the bag, sprinkle in fairy dust and drink the beer? But
Speeding Up Your All-Grain Brew Day
A key aspect of improving your beers is to brew more often. Unfortunately, since homebrewing is just a hobby, many brewers struggle to fit additional brewing sessions into their busy lives. Of
Storing Grains
This is a good question, Ray. The most important thing to prevent when storing malt is an increase in the moisture content. When malt is kilned, the moisture content is normally reduced to