Topic: Beer Styles

Fine Wheatwine


Wheatwine is potent, difficult to brew and decidly different. Which is why every intrepid homebrewer should give it a whirl.

Extract Recipe Roundup from Homebrew Retailers


Round out your homebrew recipe box with 15 easy extract recipes for 15 classic beer styles.



 OG = 1.040 to 1.048 FG = 1.008 to  1.013  IBUs = 16 to 30 SRM = 3.5 to 5  ABV = 4.0 to 5.0% Kölsch is the beer that put the

Brew a German Helles with an All-Grain, Step-Mash


Raising the mash temperature, understanding exzymes and the iodine test. Plus: what’s going on in the mash and the protein-rest debate.

Brew a Porter using a Partial-Mash


How to do a partial-mash, boil the full wort, use a wort chiller and prime a full five-gallon batch. Plus: a quick guide to grain color.

Brew a Pale Ale Using Extract and Specialty Grains


How to steep grains, boil pellet hops, make a starter from liquid yeast and conduct a secondary fermentation.

Brew a No-Boil Extract Brown Ale


How to clean, sanitize, prepare a no-boil wort, aerate, proof and pitch a dry yeast, ferment a batch and bottle your beer. Plus: basic equipment.

Old Ale


  OLD ALE OG = 1.060 to 90+ FG = 1.015 to 22+ IBUs = 30 to 60  SRM = 12 to 16  Old ales are often regarded as winter warmers and

Brewing Maibock: Tips from the Pros


Maibock is potent, but it’s also fragile. It’s a big beer, yet it’s a lager, which makes it vulnerable to temperature spikes

Strong Ales


Old ale, Scotch Ale, Barleywine or Belgian: Spring is a fine time to flex your brewing muscles and make a batch of strong ale.

American Brown Ale


OG = 1.040 to 1.060 FG = 1.010 to 1.017 IBU = 25 to 60 SRM = 15 to 22 American brown ale is a style that is modeled after English brown

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