Topic: Beer Styles
I have had some memorable experiences with beer, and some of the best have been with my wife, Elizabeth: drinking bitter and playing gin rummy at Spinnaker’s (she cheats!); smuggling bottles of
American Wheat
Charting the New American Wheat Beer
Create Your Own Great Porter
Do you remember the movie “Johnny Dangerously”? Johnny walks into his mother’s apartment and asks, “Whatcha cookin’ Ma?” His mother says “Beer.” Johnny replies, “With noodles, good idea.” This seemed funny at
Mild Ale
Low Alcohol Meets Full Flavor
Beer styles never seem to die out completely, although occasionally they’ve come close. One of the best Lazarus acts yet has been the Belgian witbier (known as Biere Blanche among the French
Oysters and Stout
He was a bold man, who first ate an oyster,” so the quote goes. The words have been attributed to Jonathan Swift, Dean Swift, and King James I. Whoever coined it, said
Modern Altbier Demands Old Techniques
European Pilsner
In 1922, American journalist and writer H. L. Mencken was touring Europe. Twenty years later he wrote, “Two days later, Torovsky and I actually started on a pilgrimage to Pilsen, the home
British Bitter
Brew an extraordinary British bitter!
Stout-Hearted in Ireland
Take a Private Tour of the Guinness Brewery. Homebrewers Only!
Steam Beer
California’s gold rush left an amber legacy that you can brew and enjoy.
What Makes a Style?
Who Decides Whether Your Brew’s a Heavy Porter or a Light Stout? And Does It Matter?