Topic: Brewing History

65 result(s).

Homebrewing During Prohibition


The reputation of homebrewers suffered during the Noble Experiment.

Julius Caesar’s Beer


History tells us that Julius Caesar was stabbed in the back by Brutus in 44 BC. If everyone had just been a little patient, Caesar’s passion for a mug of beer would

16th Century Homebrewers


Brewing takes on an historical flavor for members of the Mag Mor Brewers Guild, a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism. Members of the SCA adopt personas, or characters, from the

Revolutionary Brewing


Imagine the scene: a dimly-lit, chilly tavern in 18th century Boston, Philadelphia, or perhaps New York. The fire is blazing, occasionally sending cascades of spark and flame rocketing onto the hearth, almost

Prohibition Pilsner


Find out what beer was like in the time of Al Capone. We’ve got the recipe for his once-illegal brew.

65 result(s) found.