Topic: Build It Yourself
The Lacto Lounge
Kettle souring has become very popular because of the time savings and lower risk of contaminating the brewery compared to other souring techniques. However, the process comes with its own cons too. This DIY “kettle” souring keg solves for those problems.
Build This Brewstand
I’ve often praised homebrewing as one of the few great hobbies that combines the technical specificity of science and the spontaneous creativity of art. As a structural engineer having personally experienced the
The Indoor/ Outdoor Brewery
Brewing indoors has tons of pros — and one con — the boil. One inventive homebrewer devised his indoor-outdoor brewery with hard plumbing to send wort from his basement to back patio for boiling then back again for fermentation.
Equipment Mods
Homebrewers are tinkerers, and as such, they come up with some pretty cool equipment modifications to make their brew days easier. Here are some of our favorites!
Portable RO System: Water on the go
Reverse osmosis (RO) systems have become fairly common in the homebrew world. While most systems are meant to be stationary, one homebrewer wanted to make his portable. Check out his mobile RO system build.
Industrial-style Pedestal Tower: Building a tap tower with black pipe
Learn how to build a pedestal tower utilizing large-diameter black pipe to give your taps a solid pouring platform.
“Smart” Fermentation: A chamber with a CO2 harvesting system
This project may not be for everyone . . . but man it’s a cool build! One reader built his own “smart” fermentation chamber from scratch with its own CO2 harvesting system. Learn the details of the design and how to craft one yourself.
Whirlpool Port Install
Whirlpool ports (and other miscellaneous ports) have become more common these days. One clean way to add a weldless port to your kettle utilizes a knockout punch.
The Trap Door Keezer
Tap towers can be a design challenge for home draft system builders. Enter the trap-door lid design, allowing access to the keezer without having to move the tower.
Home-Designed Modular RIMS Setup
A homebrewer shares pictures and plans for his modular RIMS brewing system, which uses a stainless steel work table as a base.
Insulation for Single Vessel Brewing
What’s the best way to hold a consistent mash temperature for brew-in-a-bag brewing? We put the popular Reflectix insulation to the test.