Topic: Homebrew Stories
Trip of a Lifetime
FREEA recent retiree’s bucket list includes visiting breweries in all 50 U.S. States and diving deeper into his homebrewing hobby. Combining the two turns into the trip of a lifetime.
Homebrewing in the Netherlands
FREEThe Dutch homebrewing club De Roerstock’s 40th anniversary falls on the same year it gets to host the prestigious Open Dutch Championship, a national competition that brings together homebrewers from across the Netherlands.
Tap Handle Mania
FREEMany homebrewers create unique bottle labels for each beer they brew. But if you keg your beers then a unique tap handle for each beer would be a lot better. That’s exactly what one homebrewer decided to do with just wood, a knife, paint, and some old Boy Scout training.
Ancestral Brew
FREEWhen a half-joking comment led to a journey 4,500 miles (7,200 km) away, we knew we needed to learn more. Find out how a father-son duo from Vancouver, British Columbia, found themselves at an international beer festival in Norway drinking ancient beer styles that spoke to their
own ancestral roots.
Finding Unique Water Sources to Brew Beer
FREEThere are many hobbies found within the hobby of homebrewing, such as brewers who search far and wide in the pursuit of novel microorganisms for fermentation. One homebrewer found his niche in producing beers made from unique water sources. Find out where it has taken him.
Making Your Homebrew Club Engaging
FREEHomebrewing is going through a soul-searching moment. One area we all feel can spur the love of the hobby again is through our local homebrew clubs. Get some pointers for reinvigorating the best of what can make them invaluable to the greater brewing community.
Pen Pal Brewers
FREEThe camaraderie and sharing of knowledge is one of the best aspects of having a brewing partner. But what if that partner is located halfway around the world and doesn’t speak your language? Somehow, these pen pal brewers make it work.
Homebrewing as an Educational Experience for Kids
FREETeaching kids about the brewing process has implications with other facets of our world. Maximize the learning possibilities by sharing the science of what we do every time we make beer with those still too young to enjoy its results.
Jimmy Carter and Homebrewing
FREEIn 1979, President Jimmy Carter signed into law the legalization of homebrewing in the United States and its ramifications have been immense worldwide. A Georgia homebrewer offers up some insight into the former President’s personal experiences and views on this topic.
FREESometimes it takes persistence, patience, and gumption to help your greater community through charitable causes. But a homebrewer found out that the brewing community was gracious enough that all he needed was the gumption. He’s been on a whirlwind brewlanthropy tour ever since.
Desert Sear
FREEIt takes dedication and planning to brew beer in 100+ °F (38+ °C) heat, but there are homebrewers who are ready to accept that challenge.
National Homebrew Day
FREEOn May 7, 2022, the Hops ‘n Paws Brew Club came together at a club member’s home to brew together for National Homebrew Day. This is their story about a great day to homebrew