Topic: Lagering

40 result(s).

Fermenting Under Pressure


Fermenting under pressure allows for natural carbonation during fermentation and the ability to utilize CO2 to pressure transfer to kegs. However, arguably the most enticing benefit is the ester suppression and ability to make lager-style beers fermented at warmer temperatures in a fraction of the time. Learn more about pressure fermentation and how the resulting beers compare to traditional lager fermentations.



Have you ever been interested in how to optimize your fermentation and maturation processes when brewing lagers? Well, you’ve come to the right place.

The Dark Side of Lager


From Germany and the Czech Republic, to the Baltics and North America, dark lager styles are seeing growing popularity among craft brewers and homebrewers alike. The styles are all different, but also share commonalities in how they are created. Get tips for brewing your own crisp dark lager this winter.

Fermenting and Conditioning Lagers: Tips from the Pros


Three brewers churning out award-winning lagers share cool tips on fermenting and lagering that homebrewers can employ on their own homebrew setups.

Using a Water Bath for Temperature Control


Controlling temperature is a key part of producing better beer. Whether it is keeping your fermenting beer in the proper temperature range for the yeast strain you’ve chosen or for extended lagering

Kräusening For Homebrewers


Kräusening is a lagering method with two main uses. And both are based on the same basic technique of adding some beer in the “high kräusen” stage of fermentation to beer that

Brewing Continental-Style Lagers: Tips From the Pros


Continental-styled lagers are often malt-forward beers. We sat down with two award-winning brewers to talk malts for your next bottom-fermented recipe.

Brewing Lagers for a Beginner


One of the keys to brewing great lager beers, really, is keeping the fermentation temperature cool. There is no way to sugar-coat the importance of this fact. Lager beers that are fermented

Diacetyl Rest


One of the most common flaws in the beers brewed by homebrewers who are new to the hobby, particularly in lagers, is diacetyl. Diacetyl, which has a taste and aroma of butter

Lagering for Beginners


Brewing lagers can be very intimidating for new homebrewers — which is one of the reasons most begin with brewing ales. But, if your favorite beer styles to drink are Pilsners, märzens,

Fast Lager Experiment: Traditional vs. Quick Fermentation


Many homebrewers avoid making lager styles due to how convoluted and time consuming the process is. In addition to recommendations calling for yeast pitch rates nearly double that needed for ales, step

The Big Chill


For the vast majority of consumers, “lager” is synonymous with “beer” — after all, all the mass-market favorites are lagers. Advanced consumers might recognize that most beer can be categorized as either an

40 result(s) found.
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