Relaunching Taproom Events Post-Shutdown Panel
Find out from your fellow Nano Breweries what’s working in terms of hosting special events at tasting rooms as they’ve opened up after pandemic-related closures – and what hasn’t. From themed parties to special releases to different competitions, Nano breweries have gotten very creative coming up with new ways to bring back old and new customers in their doors after not being able to do so for a long time. We’ve got taproom expert and seasoned online panel moderator Andrew Coplon managing the panelists as well as opening up discussions with attendees so everyone can learn new ideas from each other in this changing taproom dynamic.
Andrew Coplon, Craft Beer Professionals and Secret Hopper
Adam Delaura, Labyrinth Brewing Company
David Holm, Apex Brewery
Kelly Quinn, Brioux City Brewery
NanoCon Online 2021
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One of the biggest blind spots and areas of concern for new breweries starting up is getting a grasp on all the legal paperwork required for both a small business and especially
pH might not be the most effective method for measuring the perceived sourness when brewing beer. Due to various acid strengths and the buffering capacity of different worts, titratable acidity (TA) is the
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