Writer: Ashton Lewis

Accidentally Frozen Beer


The good news is that frozen kegs can be saved! I hope you decided to keep your beers, let them thaw, and enjoyed them post arctic chill. Accidentally freezing beers is a

Overly Foaming Draft Beer


Your problem is caused by overcarbonation that is slowly occurring over time. Let’s dig into what you are observing over time beginning with your method of carbonation. Based on your question, I

Digging Into Sparge Water Temperatures


A Hi, Barney. Based on your question I am assuming you are either relatively new to all-grain brewing or starting to question basic practices brewers follow. One thing I wish I knew

Sparge Temperatures, Overcarbonation, Frozen Beer, and Brewing Calculations


Brewers often have a specific routine when it comes to lautering their mash. But in reality it’s a very forgiving process. Mr. Wizard provides his thoughts on this key step as well as overcarbonated kegs, a frozen beer crisis, and brewing calculations

A Kettle/Fermenter Conversion and The Time Traveling Brewer Has Some Advice


A homebrewer obtains a beast of a stainless steel tank and is looking to modify it into a brewing kettle and fermenter. Mr. Wizard walks him through the steps he recommends. Also, take a trip back to brewing in medieval times and the advice a modern brewer could take away from it.

The Time Traveling Brewer Has Some Advice


Thanks for the fun question, John! I am pretty sure whatever I suggest will be impossible to verify, so let’s go back to the year 1569, 400 years before my birth year,

A Kettle/Fermenter Conversion


Wow, this is a fun question and a fun project! Looking at the photos, it appears this vessel was insulated and covered by an outer jacket, essentially a second tank. The inner

A New Flavor In A Classic Beer


Thanks for the interesting question, Joe. I also enjoy all types of beer, so I went to the store and purchased a selection of beers in attempt to put a finger on

At Home Solera System


Quick definition for our readers: The solera process is a type of fractional blending used to produce a diverse range of aged liquids including Sherry, vinegar, wine, whiskey, and beer. The term

Fermenting Beer Under Pressure


Yes, using gravity to monitor fermentation status is the best method for use at home because observing bubble activity and kräusen appearance are simply not reliable indicators. I am a fan of

Boiling Off the Alcohol In Beer


Wow! Talk about a blast from the past and a reminder of how brewing trends often slowly develop. The topic of no-alcohol and low-alcohol beers is certainly gaining traction in the world

Fermentation Under Pressure, A Solera System, A New Flavor in a Classic Beer, and Cooking Beer


Fermenting beer under pressure using a spunding valve in a pressure-rated vessel is something many homebrewers have been experimenting with and Mr. Wizard has some pointers. Also, find out about a solera system, a new flavor in a classic beer, and removing alcohol through heat.

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