Writer: Colin Kaminski
Moving Beer: Advanced draft designs
Draft systems can get complicated. If you plan to develop a seemingly complex or long-draw system, here is your guide to keeping balance despite lots of obstacles.
Wet Hopping: How to maximize fresh hop use
Wet hops are not the opposite of dry hops . . . they’re just hops that haven’t been cured in an oast. Find some of the keys to building your own wet-hop beer recipe for this year’s harvest.
Help Wanted: Yeast Wrangler. Repitching is a skill all brewers should know
Repitching yeast is a technique that many brewers perform. Get some concise principles to make sure you’re making the best use of any freshly harvested yeast.
It’s Complicated: Understanding oxygen in brewing
Oxidation has negative connotations in all areas of brewing except one. Learn how oxygen finds its way into our beer and some of the keys to controlling it.
A Clean Fight: The science of hygienic brewing
Quality cleaning begets quality beer. Colin breaks down the science and your options to combating the grime and potential contaminants to your brews.
Shifting Water: Understanding brewing water additions
Water continues to be one of the leading topics homebrewers want to learn about. Get some high-level pointers from the man who literally co-authored the book on the topic.
Dose Carbing: CO2 generation from sugar sources
Priming beer is often an overlooked facet by many homebrewers, but there is a whole world of interesting ways to go about carbonating. Learn some of the more advanced techniques.
Forced Carbing: Don’t take this ingredient for granted
Carbon dioxide can sometimes be the least of homebrewers’ worries, but maybe it shouldn’t be that way. Dive in deep to learn many factors that can affect carbonation levels in your beer, how it can vary from place-to-place and beer-to-beer, and why you may want to filter your CO2.
Charged Up!
Many homebrewers utilize electricity in some capacity in their homebrewery, from pumps to heating elements. Learn basic safety concepts of electricity, the components, and ways to incorporate them into your homebrewery.
Hot-Side Math: Geeking out on brewhouse efficiency
Calculating your brewhouse efficiency is a task that all-grain homebrewers should perform to better understand their system. Take a walk through the steps of finding your own brewhouse efficiency.
The Draft Combine: Deep clean your draft system
Serving your beer on draft can be one of the greatest joys of homebrewing . . . or the most frustrating. Learn some of the keys to keeping your draft system balanced and clean to assure a happy pour every time.
The New Starter: A novel method for ensuring yeast vitality
Most of us homebrewers that utilize liquid yeast cultures are well aware of the steps to make a yeast starter. Colin Kaminski wants homebrewers to re-think that approach, which also has implications to our standard wort aeration practices as well.