Writer: Jon Stika
Make a Yeast Starter
Raise the right amount of happy, healthy yeast cells for your wort by making a yeast starter. Everything you need to know to make the little batch of beer for your big batch of beer.Plus: Using a stir plate to keep your yeast in suspension.
Home Malting
Sure, the name of the magazine is Brew Your Own. But, just this once we’re taking a step back and learning how to malt our own. If you want to take your brewing from grain to grass, here’s how.
Canning Yeast Starters
Making a yeast starter is one of the biggest keys to making great beer at home. But, it can be a pain. Take the pain out of your pre-brewday preparations by canning your own wort for use in a yeast starter. We’ll tell you everything you need to know to preserve your own fresh starter wort, ready to be pressed into service at a moment’s notice.
Sweetgrass Ale
En lieu of dry hops, try adding sweetgrass to make a unique beer with a vanilla-like essence.