
Blending Beers, Mashing Malts, Brewing with Fruit: Mr. Wizard

Can you blend an already carbonated sour with a fresh brewed non-carbonated beer without any issues?
Scott Mead
Via Facebook

There are many ways to blend, and for numerous reasons. It sounds like you may have a sour beer that is maybe a bit too much and perhaps could be improved by blending with a young beer. There is no problem in the fact that one beer is carbonated and the second beer is not. The real question that comes to mind is whether the carbonated beer is in a keg or if it was bottled?

Blending two bulk beers into a single keg is the way to go about any blending endeavor. Attempting to improve bottled beer by moving from bottle to a keg has oxidation written all over the plan and is something I would avoid doing. Perhaps that sentence is a little too mild . . . don’t even think about moving beer from bottle to keg unless you are prepared to reverse, counter-pressure fill your bottles to protect your beer. This is a major pain in the neck.

The easiest way to do this is to first determine your blend ratio through blending trials. Once you settle on a blend, go ahead and rack the two beers into one keg. Assuming one beer is better suited for blending than the other, I would attempt to use all of one beer and a portion of the other if the blend ratio is not 50/50. Now that the blended batch is in a keg, you can now adjust the carbonation and dispense it from the keg, or counter-pressure fill into bottles. I suggest counter-pressure filling because your sour beer is already carbonated, and I really hope that this beer is not already bottled.

There is one major consideration that needs to be addressed with your plan, especially if you want to bottle the blends; what is going to happen to the fresh beer when it is mixed with the sour beer? Sour beers often contain super-attenuating yeast strains, like Brettanomyces. These yeast strains are capable of fermenting dextrins that cannot be fermented by Saccharomyces strains. This is certainly not a bad thing and is one of the reasons I find Brett beers refreshing and dry. You do need to keep this information in mind when bottling these beers, though, because dextrins that are normally assumed to not add carbonation do when super-attenuators are present, and this needs to be considered when adding priming sugar. This is why most of these type of beers are bottled in champagne-style bottles that are rated for much higher pressure than the ratings for a normal beer bottle.

If I wanted to make a big barleywine and didn’t have enough mash space for the needed grain, would mixing malt extract into my strike water allow mash enzymes to break down some of the more complex sugars, or are they chemically “locked”? Also, I have never heard of the Hop Quality Group. Can you tell us more about them and what they do?
Alec James Klassen
Santa Rosa, California

I love this idea for a number of reasons. The first reason is that many malt extracts seem to be less fermentable than the preference of my palate. If you open a can of malt extract that you know to have a relatively low wort fermentability based on past experience, you can certainly change this wort property by further enzymatic action. It is true that some of the dextrins in wort react with proteins and amino acids during wort boiling, or concentration into extract, and are changed into compounds that will not be hydrolyzed by amylases when you add extract to your mash. But the majority of dextrins in pale malt extract that can be acted on by alpha amylase will be available for the enzymes from the malt in the mash.

I can create a hypothetical argument explaining why this method probably will result in a decrease in extract yield, but the truth is I really don’t believe this will be an issue if you don’t make the mash too thick. Thick mashes result in higher wort gravity and require more sparging. One way to brew strong beers is to curtail sparging to limit wort dilution prior to the boil. But the volume of extract retained in the grain bed will be no more by the method you suggest and I don’t believe the method will have a negative influence on yield.

If the extract you add to your mash needs no further enzymatic activity, the argument can easily be made that this is probably more trouble than it is worth, but one never knows. I have had some really great extract beers that I did not know were brewed from extracts until being told, and I have had many extract beers that are so obviously made from extracts that the extract flavor is a distraction to the overall flavor. This method may be a way of diminishing the extract flavor contributed by some, likely old, extracts.

Onto your question about the Hop Quality Group: there is a very real concern among many US brewers about the changes we are seeing in the very largest breweries in the nation. The fact is that US craft brewers have benefited in many, many different ways from the “big guys.” Not too long ago the “big guys group” also included regional brewers like Weinhard’s, Latrobe, Rainier, Pearl, Lone Star, National, and Schaeffer in addition to national brewers like Stroh’s, Pabst and Schlitz.

About 20 years ago the larger US brewers underwent rapid consolidation, followed by business closings. Since that time we have had a few groups emerge in the market. There are now the “Big 3” domestic brewers with the majority of the national production volume, a handful of large craft brewers (Boston Beer, Sierra Nevada, New Belgium, Craft Brewers Alliance, plus Yuengling) emerge as the second size tier, a larger group of craft brewers ranging in size from about 100,000 to 250,000 BBLs annually emerge as regional favorites (Bell’s, Stone, Green Flash, Boulevard, Ninkasi, Odell’s, Left Hand, Summit, Dogfish Head, Abita and Sweetwater, for example), and many small package-only breweries and brewpubs.

Historically the “big guys” spent a lot of money on research and development and they also spent a lot of time and effort working with suppliers on things like ingredient quality. In 2002 SAB bought Miller to form SAB-Miller. In 2005 Molson and Coors merged to form Molson-Coors. Two years later in 2007 we saw the formation of MillerCoors, and in 2008 the whale named InBev buys the whale named AB to become ABI. Consolidation of this magnitude has some very real consequences, and one of those has been the consolidation of engineering and research departments, and the loss of many jobs. This means that fewer individuals are looking at the sorts of things that brewing scientists and brewery engineers have studied for centuries.

At the same time the hop producers were responding to market changes and the varieties being cultivated in the US started to change, planted acreage began to shift and craft breweries who had made a real name for themselves brewing hop forward beers started to feel uneasy. OK, that’s a bit of an understatement. Many of these craft brewers spent or borrowed very, very large sums of cash to grow their breweries to keep up with the demand of their hop dominated ales. And a small group of these hop-focused brewers decided to pull together to help ensure that their signature ingredients were not suddenly in short supply.

On Saturday May 5th, 2012 I was at the Craft Brewers Conference in San Diego and entered a hall to listen to “John Mallett and Friends” give a presentation with the obscure name, “Hop Quality Developments.” Unlike almost all presentations at this meeting, there was no description of the talk, so my interest was piqued. The Hop Quality Group was unveiled as a group of like-minded brewers from twelve craft breweries who formed a not-for-profit organization to help address concerns about hops. Their concerns include breeding of new varieties, planted acreage of certain aroma varieties, harvesting and processing practices used by growers and processors, and other such topics. Sierra Nevada, Russian River, Firestone, Stone, New Belgium, Boulevard, New Glarus, Bell’s and Boston Beer were the members named.

I think this is pretty exciting. Their presentation made it clear that the goal is to protect the business interests of their brewery members. These breweries have real concerns and they formed a small, focused group to act quickly. I believe that these sorts of groups ultimately help the entire industry and I sincerely hope that more groups like this form in the years to come. What the US brewing industry lost in the last 20 years by mergers and closings will not be undone. The future of the US brewing industry is largely in the hands of a group of entrepreneurs that were in the past laughed at by many of the breweries now occupying chapters in history books.

When brewing with berries how much should be used for a 5-gallon (19-L) batch? I am planning to make a raspberry wheat beer.
Nathan Pyles
Waco, Texas

Fruit beers run the gamut from being so subtle that the fruitiest part of the beer is the name, all the way to the extreme where the intensity of the fruit approaches a wine and the consumer is surprised that they are drinking beer. I personally like fruit beers that don’t leave me guessing if the brewer forgot to add the fruit during the brew.

I like to think about recipes in terms of percentages. One pound of fresh fruit per gallon of 12 °Plato (1.048 SG) wort contributes about 10% of the extract. This is enough fruit to leave no doubt that the beer contains fruit, but not so much to really knock your socks off. Beers with 20–30% of the extract derived from fruit are really pretty fruity! These beers contain 2–3 pounds (0.9–1.3 kg) of fruit per gallon (3.8 L) of wort.

So now you have an idea of how much fruit to add to your wheat wort. The next question is equally important, and that question has to do with the method of addition. Some brewers like to add fruit to the kettle to satisfy their quest to sterilize everything going into fermentation. But boiling fruit is not necessary and is certainly not in line with how wine is made. Another technique is to add fruit to the beer following primary fermentation. This method initiates a second peak of fermentation activity that typically lasts only a few days. Whether you add the fruit to the kettle or to beer after the primary, most if not all of the fermentable sugars will be consumed by yeast.

The fact that fruit beers often times are not sweet means that much of what most people associate with fruit is lost. If you buy a dry red wine and expect to experience the fruitiness of Welch’s grape juice you will be very disappointed indeed. Some fruit beers are sweet, but there are some tricks of the trade required to maintain the sweetness, and increasing the amount of fruit added to the beer is not one of these. Some brewers of these sweet or semi-sweet fruit beers arrest the fermentation after a point to retain some of the fruit sweetness. Pasteurization is the method of choice for commercial brewers because it helps to ensure that the residual fermentable extract is not fermented after bottling. Winemakers often times use sulfites to arrest fermentation when producing sweet wines, and this method can also be used by brewers. If you have residual sugar in the beer, bottle conditioning is clearly not an option. Pasteurization can be performed at home if you are feeling especially adventurous. This is a very broad topic of discussion that I will leave for another day, but the seed has been planted!

Issue: January-February 2013
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