BYO Boot Camps

Join Brew Your Own for in-depth brewing learning experiences.

Evaluating Beer Like a Judge with Gordon Strong
Friday, February 28, 2025 • 2 – 5 pm Eastern, $75

Join the President Emeritus and highest ranking beer judge of the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP), as you learn the best ways to analyze and evaluate beer so you can improve your own brewing. You’ll learn how to not simply taste your beer, but critically examine it. You’ll follow along with Gordon evaluating a specific line-up of craft beer together in real-time for an interactive learning experience. Knowing how to evaluate your beer is an important skill to develop for any homebrewer and there’s no better person to teach you than Gordon.
Register for Evaluating Beer Like a Judge: $75

Video replays of Past Boot Camps

The live event may be over but you can still watch full video replays of past workshops and learn from expert speakers. Check out the following video replays available. Register to gain access today.

Hands-On Homebrew Science with Ashton Lewis REPLAY
Friday, January 31, 2025 • 2 – 5 pm Eastern, $75

Follow BYO’s Technical Editor Ashton Lewis as he shows you how to use pH meters, yeast slants and loops, and other basic lab gear to run different brewing tests that will help the quality of your beer. Learn how to use and care for equipment suitable – and affordable – for your home brewery. In addition to covering topics that pop into mind when hearing the term “brewing science,” Ashton will also cover physical evaluation of milled malt, hops, demonstrate how enzymatic reactions can be visualized, and show some practical, easily executed projects highlighting the brewing sciences. All with the goal of making better beer at home!
Register for Hands-On Homebrew Science $75

Craft Brewery Start-Up Boot Camp online with Steve Parkes, Audra Gaiziunas and Matthew McLaughlin REPLAY

February 9, 2024, 11 am to 7:45 pm (Eastern)

Steve Parkes will walk you through the steps, planning decisions, and keys you need to know if you want to launch a commercial craft brewery. He is joined by two experts to round out online workshop on Friday, Feb. 9, 2024: Audra Gaiziunas discusses business plans and the key financial numbers you need to know starting up a brewery and Matthew McLaughlin teaches you the legal checklist any start-up brewery should have in hand. Learn from their decades of expertise and experience to help you achieve your dream of opening up a brewery.
Register Now for the Craft Brewery Start-Up Online Boot Camp replay!

Craft Brewery Start-Up Online Boot Camp Sponsored by:

BYO Beer Ingredient Boot Camp Bundle
4 Main Beer Ingredients. 4 Online Workshops. 4 Experts. 4 Months.

We’re tackling the four main brewing ingredients – yeast, water, malt, and hops – in four different monthly 2-hour, live online workshops led by brewing experts. Buy the bundle and you get live and video replay access to all four and save 25%! Don’t miss Mitch Steele on Hops, John Palmer on Water, Dr. Laura Burns on Yeast, and Ashton Lewis on Malt. $150 for the Bundle Replay (each of the four workshops costs $50 individually).
Each Online Boot Camp is recorded so attendees can watch and learn again and again from video playback.

Hops: BYO Beer Ingredient Boot Camp Bundle with Mitch Steele

Join the Brewmaster of New Realm Brewing and author of the book IPA, Mitch Steele as he explores when and how to add hops to create awesome hop-forward beers. You’ll learn timing and techniques, varietal choices, hop pairing/blending, hop evaluation, water adjustments, and more to get the most out of your hops and into your glass.
Register for the REPLAY of Hops: BYO Beer Ingredient Boot Camp Bundle with Mitch Steele: $50 or $150 for all four BYO Beer Ingredient Boot Camp Bundle workshops

Malt: BYO Beer Ingredient Boot Camp Bundle with Ashton Lewis

Malt is often overshadowed by other brewing ingredients, but it is truly the backbone of beer. Learn how to better use malt in your brewing and how to best brew malt-forward beers with BYO’s Technical Editor Ashton Lewis. Understand the malting process, differences between various malts and barleys, and the best brew day techniques and recipe design strategies for getting the most out of your malt.
Register for the REPLAY of Malt: BYO Beer Ingredient Boot Camp Bundle with Ashton Lewis: $50 or $150 for all four BYO Beer Ingredient Boot Camp Bundle workshops

Water: BYO Beer Ingredient Boot Camp Bundle with John Palmer

Water is a critical brewing ingredient and yet is one of the least understood. John Palmer, who wrote the definitive book on the subject, Water: A Comprehensive Guide for Brewers, will take the mystery out of your approach to handling water in your brewery. You’ll learn not only the chemistry but also the tests you should be taking and the adjustments to make resulting in better beer.
Register for the REPLAY of Water: BYO Beer Ingredient Boot Camp Bundle with John Palmer: $50 or $150 for all four BYO Beer Ingredient Boot Camp Bundle workshops

Yeast: BYO Beer Ingredient Boot Camp Bundle with Laura Burns, PhD

Learn the basics for good yeast management including yeast selection, harvesting/repitching, counts/contamination checks,  and yeast scheduling with Omega Yeast’s Dr. Laura Burns. Laura will also take a deep dive into the world of diastatic yeast, hop creep, biotransformation, GE/GMO yeast, yeast hybrids, wild yeast, and yeast foraging.
Register for the REPLAY of Yeast: BYO Beer Ingredient Boot Camp Bundle with Laura Burns, PhD, Replay: $50 or $150 for all four BYO Beer Ingredient Boot Camp Bundle workshops

Brewery Financials with Audra Gaiziunas

Join craft brewery financial expert Audra Gaiziunas for four hours to learn the tools to better understand and manage a craft brewery’s money needs. You’ll start the day gaining an understanding of the importance of finance and accounting in craft beer and learn the top financial mistakes breweries make (and how to avoid them). You’ll then be introduced to the basics of the brewery balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statements to understand how they all tie together for your brewery business. You’ll also learn basic ratio analysis to better communicate with bankers and investors. Brewery cost accounting will be covered including beer recipe costing and overhead allocation. Plus during this online workshop budgeting, inventory management, and standard operating procedures you should have in place will be discussed.
Register for Brewery Financials Replay: $99

Advanced Homebrew Lab Skills with Amy Todd

Take your homebrewing up to another level by understanding why and how to use advanced lab skills suitable for your homebrewery. Professional brewery lab owner Amy Todd will walk you through how to make agar plates and slants and then how to use those to collect wild yeast, harvesting yeast from other samples, and isolating yeast strains. You’ll also learn how to wash yeast for future pitching, counting yeast cells to determine viability, and how to determine you are pitching the right amount into your wort. Amy will also run through various controlled tests you can do at home on your homebrew such as forced fermentation and others to give you more information on your batch. She’ll cover the care and use of pH meters, a basic microscope suitable for a home brewery, and other lab equipment you can add cost-effectively to your home brewery to help you make better beer.
Register for Advanced Homebrew Lab Replay: $99

Brewery Taproom Draft Systems with Bill Jablonski

It can’t be overstated how important a well-designed and maintained draft system is to any small brewery’s taproom especially when it is your main distribution channel. Learn how to strategically think about your draft system so it can deliver your beer in the best possible condition to your taproom customers. From layout considerations to maintenance and cleaning you need to know what you are doing or your beer – and profits – might suffer. Draft system professional Bill Jablonski does all this for a living and he’ll spend four hours giving you valuable tips and advice so your beer is served with the quality customers and your brewery deserve.
Register for Brewery Taproom Draft Systems Replay: $99

Home Hop Growing with Eric Sannerud

Put more home into your homebrew by growing your own hops. Learn the keys to successfully growing hops in your backyard or even containers from hop expert Eric Sannerud. Eric will walk you through site selection, planting, trellising, harvesting, processing, storing, and using homegrown hops in your beer.  He’ll also cover troubleshooting common hop growing problems you might encounter and how to address them. You’ll have time to ask plenty of questions and leave ready for the 2022 growing season whether it’s your first harvest or you’re a backyard hop growing veteran.
Register for Home Hop Growing Replay: $99

Distilling with Aaron Hyde

How to Distill book author Aaron Hyde will walk you through the small-scale distilling process over four hours. You’ll watch a live spirit distillation with cuts for whiskey, and Aaron will also discuss the distillation of most major spirits including moonshine, brandy, rum, whiskey, and gin. He’ll be answering your questions throughout the process as you learn the art of distillation using a small still.
Register for Distilling Replay: $99

Sour Beer Techniques with Michael Tonsmeire

Learn European as well as newer American methods to produce sour and funky beers from Michael Tonsmeire, who literally wrote the book on the subject with American Sour Beers.  Michael will demonstrate the unique skills needed to create your own sour beers including wort production, growing alternative microbes, blending, aging on fruit, and sanitation. The focus of this four-hour, live online workshop will be on practical topics and techniques so no biology or chemistry degree required. You’ll leave with a clear understanding of the processes to reliably produce sour beers suited to your palate and desired time frame.
Register for Sour Beer Techniques Replay: $99

Home Draft Systems with Bill Jablonski

There’s nothing quite like enjoying a draft beer at home, but you need to know how to properly set up and maintain your home system for the perfect pour. Bill Jablonski designs and  installs draft systems for a living and he’ll share his expertise with you over this four-hour workshop. You’ll learn how to set up your system whether it is one or multiple taps, a rundown on choosing equipment for different needs including hoses and faucets. You’ll also find out how to clean, maintain, and fix your system. You’ll get ideas for upgrading beyond your current set-up including nitro and multiple taps at different carbonation levels.
Register for Home Draft Systems Replay: $99

Brewery Quality Control with Amy Todd

Establishing and following through with a quality control program is key to the success of any craft brewery – no matter what the size of your output. Even the smallest brewery needs to run certain key tests on their beer. This can be done without taking up too much space, resources or investment. Over the course of four hours, QC expert Amy Todd of Zymology Labs will walk you through what you should be doing as a small-scale craft brewery to make sure the beer you are selling to customers reflects well on your business. You’ll learn about running sensory panels, setting up a testing lab area, running the proper tests, and more.
Register for Brewery Quality Control Replay: $99

Recipe Formulation with Brad Smith

Learn the best ways to jump into creating your own signature recipes and understand the keys to developing a specific grain bill, hop schedule, and ingredient proportions to meet your homebrewing goals. Brad Smith, owner of the popular BeerSmith recipe software and a Brew Your own contributing writer, has helped thousands of homebrewers design their own recipes and now you can learn from this recipe design expert how to use both scientific and artistic approaches to end up with the beer in your glass you had envisioned. Explore ingredients, techniques, and even your own brewing system to get you on the right path to craft your own recipes.
Register for Recipe Formulation Replay: $99

All-Grain Brewing Essentials with John Palmer and John Blichmann

Designed for intermediate to beginner homebrewers getting into all-grain brewing, this four-hour live online workshop covers all you need to know to successfully make great homebrews using both traditional and newer all-grain brewing techniques. How to Brew author John Palmer and equipment guru John Blichmann will take you through the all-grain process from milling, mashing, and sparging before going into the boil. You’ll get to know the equipment, techniques, and ingredients. They’ll also cover newer homebrew all-grain techniques such as Brew-In-A-Bag and No Sparge in addition to traditional mash methods and some advanced tips as well.
Register for All-Grain Brewing Essentials Replay: $99

Yeast Techniques & Lab Skills with Dr. Chris White and Kara Taylor

Join Dr. Chris White and Kara Taylor of White Labs on how to master different yeast-related techniques. This four-hour online workshop will cover culture selection and explore preparing yeast for pitching, what to expect when re-pitching, working with multiple cultures, and how to troubleshooting fermentation issues related to poor yeast-handling practices. You will follow along in real-time on how to use slants, harvesting yeast, washing and reusing yeast, streaking plates, calculating growth rates, and much more.
Register for Yeast Techniques & Lab Skills Replay: $125


Brewing Water Adjustments with John Palmer

Water is a critical brewing ingredient and yet is one of the least understood. John Palmer, who wrote the definitive book on the subject, Water: A Comprehensive Guide for Brewers, will take the mystery out of your approach to handling water in your brewery. You’ll learn not only the chemistry but also the tests you should be taking and the adjustments to make resulting in better beer. As part of this online boot camp, a BrewLab water testing kit will be used during demonstrations so you can learn right along in real-time the practical how-to aspects of getting the most out of your brewery’s water with the goal of brewing the best beer possible no matter the style. (If interested in purchasing your own kit, please check out MoreBeer!’s link here to purchase.) All of our online boot camps are recorded so you can watch replays after the event as much as you would like for up to 9 months.
Register for Brewing Water Adjustments Replay: $99


NanoCon Online Video Replays

Gain full access to our annual NanoCon conference with each year featuring video replays of over 30 seminars, workshops, and Q&A panels geared for the small-scale commercial brewery, or brewery in-planning, working on smaller systems. 

Replays include questions answered by speakers, fellow attendees’ interactions, and vendors specializing in the small-scale Nano brewing niche. 

2020 NanoCon Online Replays: $299

2021 NanoCon Online Replays: $299

2022 NanoCon Online Replays: $299

2023 NanoCon Online Replays: $299

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