
Bacchus Wai-iti IPA clone

Bacchus Wai-iti IPA clone

(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
OG = 1.063 FG = 1.010
IBU = 92 SRM = 9 ABV = 7.1%

11 lbs. (5 kg) 2-row pale ale malt
10 oz. (0.28 kg) dextrose sugar
8 oz. (0.22 kg) Weyermann Caramunich® I malt
8 oz. (0.22 kg) Weyermann Carapils®/Carafoam® malt
20.5 AAU Waimea pellet hops (60 min.) (1.3 oz./38 g at 15.8% alpha acids)
3.4 AAU Wai-iti pellet hops (20 min.) (1 oz./28 g at 3.4% alpha acids)
3.4 AAU Wai-iti pellet hops (10 min.) (1 oz./28 g at 3.4% alpha acids)
3.4 AAU Wai-iti pellet hops (0 min.) (1 oz./28 g at 3.4% alpha acids)
2.1 oz. (60 g) Wai-iti pellet hops (dry hop)
1⁄2 tsp. yeast nutrient (15 min.)
1⁄2 whirlfloc tablet (5 min.)
Wyeast 1056 (American Ale), White Labs WLP001 (California Ale,) or Safale US-05 yeast
2⁄3 cup corn sugar (if priming)

Step by Step
Use an infusion mash at 149 °F (65 °C) for 90 minutes. Boil for 60 minutes add the hops per the ingredients list and yeast nutrient at 15 minutes. With 5 minutes left, add the whirlfloc tablet. At the end of the boil, let wort stand for 10–15 minutes before beginning the chilling process. Chill the wort rapidly to 65 °F (18 °C) and pitch the yeast. Ferment at 66 °F (19 °C). Carbonate to 2 to 2.5 volumes.

Bacchus Wai-iti IPA clone

(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
OG = 1.063 FG = 1.010
IBU = 92 SRM = 9 ABV = 7.1%

8 lbs. (3.6 kg) Coopers light liquidmalt extract
10 oz. (0.28 kg) dextrose sugar
8 oz. (0.22 kg) Weyermann Caramunich® I malt
20.5 AAU Waimea pellet hops (60 min.) (1.3 oz./38 g at 15.8% alpha acids)
3.4 AAU Wai-iti pellet hops (20 min.) (1 oz./28 g at 3.4% alpha acids)
3.4 AAU Wai-iti pellet hops (10 min.) (1 oz./28 g at 3.4% alpha acids)
3.4 AAU Wai-iti pellet hops (0 min.) (1 oz./28 g at 3.4% alpha acids)
2.1 oz. (60 g) Wai-iti pellet hops (dry hop)
1⁄2 whirlfloc tablet (15 min.)
1⁄2 tsp. yeast nutrient (15 min.)
Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) or White Labs WLP001 (California Ale,) or Safale US-05 yeast
2⁄3 cup corn sugar (if priming)

Step by Step
Heat 3 gallons (11 L) water in your kettle to 160 °F (71 °C). Place the crushed grains in a muslin bag and soak in the hot water for 20 minutes. Rinse the grains with 2 qts. (2 L) hot water. Top off kettle with water to 6 gallons (23 L). Remove from heat and add liquid extract just as water starts to boil. Return the wort to heat after all the extract has dissolved and bring to a boil. Boil for 60 minutes add the hops per the ingredients list, and whirlfloc tablet and yeast nutrient at 15 minutes. At the end of the boil, let wort stand for 10–15 minutes before beginning the chilling process. Chill the wort rapidly to 65 °F (18 °C) and pitch the yeast. Ferment at 66 °F (19 °C). Carbonate to 2 to 2.5 volumes.

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