
Big Ben Barleywine

Big Ben Barleywine

(3.3 gallons/12.5 L, all-grain)
OG = 1.109  FG = 1.030
IBU = 80+  SRM = 10  ABV = 10.5%

15 lbs. (6.8 kg) Maris Otter pale malt
29 AAU Target hops (90 min.) (2.5 oz./71 g at 11.6% alpha acids)
White Labs WLP007 (Dry English Ale) or Wyeast 1098 (British Ale) or Lallemand Nottingham yeast
2⁄3 cup corn sugar (if priming)

Step by step
Make sure to have enough viable yeast to ferment this beer to completion. Two yeast packets made into a starter or two sachets rehydrated according to manufacturer’s instructions are advisable.

Mash grain at 148–150 °F (64–66 °C), using 18 qts. (17 L) water (ratio 1.2 qts./lb., 2.5 L/kg). After a 90-minute mash, run off and sparge with water at about 170 °F (77 °C) to collect 6 gallons (23 L) of wort (SG about 1.062). Bring to a boil, add the hops after about one hour (with 5 gallons/19 L of wort remaining), and boil down to 3.3 gallons (12.5 L). 

Cool to about 70 °F (21 °C) and pitch the yeast starter with oxygenation. Ferment 10–14 days at 70 °F (21 °C), rack to secondary for 4 weeks, rack again and leave for 6–8 months. Keg or bottle as usual and age at least a further 6 months.

Big Ben Barleywine

(3.3 gallons/12.5 L, extract only)
OG = 1.109  FG = 1.030
IBU = 80+  SRM = 10  ABV = 10.5%

A long boil as found in the all-grain recipe would make this beer too thin, while the short boil will result in the limited formation of Maillard reaction products, so I opted to use a Munich malt extract to add extra flavor and body.

9 lbs. (4.1 kg) Munich liquid malt extract 
1 lb. (0.45 kg) extra light dried malt extract
29 AAU Target hops (90 min.) (2.5 oz./71 g at 11.6% alpha acids)
White Labs WLP007 (Dry English Ale) or Wyeast 1098 (British Ale) or Lallemand Nottingham yeast
2⁄3 cup corn sugar (if priming)

Step by step
Bring 4 gallons (15 L) of water to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in both malt extracts. When completely dissolved add the hops and bring back to a boil. Boil down to 3.3 gallons (12.5 L), about 45 minutes. 

Cool to about 70 °F (21 °C) and pitch the yeast starter with oxygenation. Ferment 10–14 days a 70 °F (21 °C), rack to secondary for 4 weeks, rack again and leave for 6–8 months. Keg or bottle as usual and age at least a further 6 months.

Issue: July-August 2019
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