
Haystack Wheat

Haystack Wheat

(5 gallons/19 L, partial mash)
OG = 1.059  FG = 1.012
IBU = 1  SRM = 5  ABV = 6.3%

4 oz. (113 g) acidulated malt
2 lbs. (0.91 kg) Belgian Pilsner malt
2 lbs. (0.91 kg) Belgian wheat malt
0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) light crystal malt (20° to 30° L)
0.5 lb. (0.23 kg) flaked wheat
4 lbs.  (1.8 kg) wheat dried malt extract
0.5 AAU Saaz hop pellets (15 min.) (0.15 oz./4 g at 3.6% alpha acids)
1 gram spice blend (see Step by Step below)
1 qt. yeast slurry (see note below)
7/8 cup corn sugar (if priming)

Step by Step
Prepare your spice mix. I recommend equal parts coriander, cumin, ginger, wintergreen, and star anise; ground and mixed thoroughly. Heat 7 qts. (6.6 L) water to 162 °F (74 °C). Add crushed malts and flaked wheat to mash water. Hold at 153 °F (67 °C) for 60 min. Remove grains and wash with 2 gal. (7.6 L) water at about 168 °F (76 °C). Add dried malt extract to the kettle and bring to a boil. Total boil is 60 min adding hops for the final 15 minutes of the boil. Remove from heat and add the spice mix. Give the wort a stir to create a whirlpool and let settle for 15 minutes.

Cool and pour into fermenter. Top off with enough water to make 5.25 gal (20 L). Aerate well! At 70 °F (21 °C) or so, pitch yeast. Ferment cool (65 °F/18 °C)) for two weeks, rack to secondary if you prefer, and condition for two more weeks near 55 °F (13 °C). Prime with corn sugar and bottle or keg and force carbonate.

All-grain version:
Mash 5.5 lbs. (2.5 kg) each wheat and Pilsner malt, plus the same amounts of acidulated, crystal, and flaked wheat, same temperature and time but increase mash water to 4 gal. (15.1 L), and sparge water to 5 gal. (19 L). Time your boil to reduce to 5.25 gal. (20 L).

Extract with grains version:
Steep the crystal malt in 3 gal. (11 L) of water, heating gradually to 170 °F (77 °C), then remove grains. If you can, add 1 tsp. 88% lactic acid. Increase the wheat dried malt extract to 6.5 lbs (3 kg).

In this recipe I prefer to use Belgian malts such as Castle as they give a fuller, richer malt profile than their German counterparts. But use what you can find; you won’t be far off.

The blend of equal parts coriander, cumin, ginger, wintergreen, and star anise; ground and mixed thoroughly; is a balanced one, especially if used in moderation. It is very easy to overdo. If you really object to one of the spices, leave it out.

Because this is more or less a Belgian recipe, I prefer to use a Belgian wit yeast. Wyeast has two strains of Belgian wheat beer yeast, 3944, which is better suited to a real “witbier” — which this is not — and 3942, softer, less acidic and, I think, perfect for this recipe. An American wheat strain such as 1010 could also be used for this recipe for a cleaner yeast profile. Avoid using a Bavarian or Weihenstephan wheat strains as they are too fruity, phenolic, and estery for this recipe.

Issue: October 1998

A Belgian wheat beer base with equal parts coriander, cumin, ginger, wintergreen, and star anise; ground and mixed thoroughly to add just a hint of spice.

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