
Hazed & Confused

Hazed and Confused

(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
OG = 1.033  FG = 1.009
IBU = 14  SRM = 3  ABV = 3.6%

While originally brewed with a wit yeast, I thought a saison yeast might play nicely in the mix as well. The pepper hints from the Saaz and grains of paradise melded nicely while the orange provide a slight citrus character.

4 lbs. (1.81 kg) Belgian Pilsen malt
2.5 lbs. (1.13 kg) unmalted white wheat
0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg) flaked oat
3.5 AAU Czech Saaz hops (60 min.) (1 oz./28g 3.5% alpha acid)
1.75 AAU Czech Saaz hops (15 min.) (0.5 oz/14 g 3.5% alpha acid)
1 oz. sweet orange peel, zested (0 min.)
1/4 tsp. (1 g) grains of paradise (0 min.)
Belgian Wit, Saison or Abbey Ale yeast
3/4 cup corn sugar (if priming)

Step by Step
Heat 2.1 qt. (2.0 L) of strike water to 138 °F (59 °C). Dough-in grain at 113 °F (45 °C) for 10 minutes. Raise temp of mash to 136 °F (58 °C) by the addition of 3.15 qt. (3.0 L) of boiling water, hold 5 minutes.

Drop in stuykmanden and draw off about 1 qt. (1 L) of liquid. Heat the drawn off or turbid portion to between 180 – 212 °F (82 – 100 °C). Raise temperature of mash to 150 °F (66 °C) by the addition of 4.4 qts. (4.2 L) of boiling water and hold 30 minutes. Drop in stuykmanden and draw off about 1 gal. (3.8 L) of liquid into the turbid portion. Re-raise temperature of turbid portion to between 180 – 212 °F (82 – 100 °C).

Raise temperature of mash to 162 °F (72 °C) by the addition of 4.4 qt. (4.2 L) of boiling water and hold 20 min. Drop temperature of turbid mash to 176 °F (80 °C). Drain the free liquid in the mash tun to the kettle as if you were batch sparging. Gently pour the turbid portion over the grains to bring the mash temperature to 167 °F (75 °C), hold for 20 minutes. Lauter as normal. Boil 60 minutes and add spices at flameout. Let settle for 5 minutes before chilling. Ferment on the warmer end of your yeast strain’s range.

Issue: July-August 2008

While originally brewed with a wit yeast, I thought a saison yeast might play nicely in the mix as well. The pepper hints from the Saaz and grains of paradise melded nicely while the orange provide a slight citrus character.

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