
Hill Farmstead Brewery’s Old World, Wild Mary Pilsner clone

Hill Farmstead Brewery’s Old World, Wild Mary Pilsner clone

(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
OG = 1.048  FG = 1.010
IBU = 42  SRM = 3  ABV = 4.9%

According to Shaun Hill, Owner of Hill Farmstead Brewery, “This is an unreleased beer (at press time) that we internally refer to as Old World, Wild Mary. The base beer is our German-style Pilsner, Mary, aged in oak barrels that previously held our farmhouse ale, Arthur.”

8.8 lbs. (4 kg) European Pilsner malt
0.3 lb. (130 g) malted wheat
0.5 lb. (220 g) acidulated malt 
8 AAU Perle hops (60 min.) (1 oz./28g at 8% alpha acids)
4.4 AAU Hallertau Mittelfrüh (15 min.) (1.1 oz./32g at 4% alpha acids)
2.3 oz. (65 g) Hallertau Hersbrucker hops (0 min.)
SafLager 34/70 or Wyeast 2124 (Bohemian Lager)
The Yeast Bay TYB184 (Brettanomyces bruxellensis) or Omega Yeast OYL-201 (Brettanomyces bruxellensis)
5.3 oz. (150 g) dextrose (if bottling)
Safale US-05 or LalBrew CBC-1 (if bottling)

Step by step
Utilize a thin mash (~1.7 qts./lb. or 3.5 L/kg) to minimize the sparging volume. While this will produce weaker first wort, it will aid in less tannin extraction and help prevent contaminating the wort with potentially unsavory last runnings. Target a mash temperature of 148 °F (65 °C). Mash in with 4.1 gallons (15.5 L) of water. If using reverse osmosis water, add 1 tsp. of calcium chloride to achieve 50 ppm of calcium. Rest for 60 minutes. Measure mash pH at 20 minutes and adjust with food-grade acid (lactic, citric, phosphoric) as necessary to hit a target of 5.2 to 5.3.

When mashing is complete, recirculate (vorlauf) at least ten minutes until beer is very clear. (For the advanced homebrewer, adjusting and monitoring mash and boil pH will be paramount in producing the best beer).

After collecting first wort, sparge with 3.4 gallons (13 L) of water at 170 °F (77 °C) and collect 6.6 gallons (25 L) of wort into the boil kettle. Pay attention to the last runnings! Density (gravity) should never fall below 1.010 (2.5 ºP) and should taste pleasant. If last runnings become husky or tannic, cut the sparge and stop collecting wort. Water can be added directly to the kettle in order to reach desired volume.

Boil for 90 minutes, adding hops as indicated. At the end of the boil, cut the flame and let rest for 5 minutes. Whirlpool with the Hallertau Hersbrucker hops. After about 20 minutes of whirlpool, rapidly chill the wort to 45–50 °F (7–10 ºC). Transfer wort to the fermenter and pitch the lager yeast (at least two packets of dry yeast or, if liquid yeast, prepare a healthy starter and ensure activity and viability), oxygenate well. Ideal fermentation is at 45–50 °F (7–10 ºC). A prolonged 24–48 hour lag is common at this temperature.  

When fermentation appears to have ceased after 2 to 3 weeks, transfer the beer to a secondary vessel (a neutral oak barrel would be preferred), and inoculate with Brettanomyces. Do not be concerned with a temperature rise or diacetyl rest. 

The beer should condition at 50–54 °F (10–12 ºC) for several months in a neutral barrel (if possible). When ready for packaging, boil 5.3 oz. (150 g) of dextrose in 1 cup of water. Cool to room temperature, then very slowly sprinkle in 0.07 oz. (2 g) of a dry, neutral yeast. Add this sugar and yeast cocktail to your bottling bucket. This should produce 3 volumes of carbonation conditioned at room temperature. Open your first bottle in one month. Or, keg and carbonate to 3.0 v/v.

Hill Farmstead Brewery’s Old World, Wild Mary Pilsner clone

(5 gallons/19 L, extract only)
OG = 1.048  FG = 1.010
IBU = 42  SRM = 3  ABV = 4.9%

5.3 lbs. (2.4 kg) Pilsen dried malt extract 
8 AAU Perle hops (60 min.) (1 oz./28g at 8% alpha acids)
4.4 AAU Hallertau Mittelfrüh (15 min.) (1.1 oz./32g at 4% alpha acids)
2.3 oz. (65 g) Hallertau Hersbrucker hops (0 min.)
SafLager 34/70 or Wyeast 2124 (Bohemian Lager)
The Yeast Bay TYB184 (Brettanomyces bruxellensis) or Omega Yeast OYL-201 (Brettanomyces bruxellensis)
5.3 oz. (150 g) dextrose (if bottling)
Safale US-05 or LalBrew CBC-1 (if bottling)

Step by step
Heat 3 gallons (11.4 L) of water to 150–160 °F (65.5–71 °C). Add malt extract off heat while stirring until all extract is dissolved. Return pot to the heat Boil for 60 minutes, adding the hops as indicated. Using lactic acid or phosphoric acid, adjust pH to 5.1–5.2 near the end of the boil.

Follow the remainder of the all-grain recipe, making sure to top up the fermenter to 5 gallons (19 L) before pitching yeast.

Issue: September 2020
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