KISS Barleywine
KISS Barleywine
(3 gallons/11 L, extract only)
OG = 1.127 FG = 1.036
IBU = 100 SRM = 9 ABV = 12%
12 lbs. (5.4 kg) pale liquid malt extract
23 AAU Simcoe® hops (80 min.) (1.8 oz./50 g at 13% alpha acids)
Yeast nutrient (as directed on package)
3 packs (35 g) SafAle S-04 yeast
¾ cup corn sugar (if priming)
Step by step
Bring 4 gallons (15 L) water to a boil and then remove from heat. Stir 6 lbs. (2.7 kg) extract into the water, taking care to see that all of it is thoroughly dissolved before returning to heat. Add the hops and boil for 60 minutes. Turn off heat and carefully stir in the remaining 6 lbs. (2.7 kg) of extract and boil a further 20 minutes. Cool to about 70 °F (21 °C), add yeast nutrient, oxygenate, and pitch yeast. Ferment 7–10 days as close to 70 °F (21 °C) as possible, rack to secondary for two weeks, rack again and leave for 3–4 months. Keg and force carbonate or prime and bottle, preferably allowing the beer to age a further six months or more. This beer should keep well for several years and I recommend that you do that with at least a portion of it.
Written by Terry Foster
This barleywine gets all of its fermentable sugars from malt extract. It’s easier and much less time-consuming than brewing all-grain barleywine.