
KROC German Pils

KROC German Pils

(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
OG = 1.046 FG = 1.003-1.015 (strain dependent)
IBU = 50 SRM = 3 ABV = 4.1-5.7% (strain dependent)

For the results from KROC’s yeast experiment, visit the full article here

9.5 lbs. (4.3 kg) continental Pilsner malt (2 °L)
9.6 AAU Magnum pellet hops (90 min.)
(1 oz./28 g at 9.6% alpha acids)
6.8 AAU Hersbrucker pellet hops (5–0 min.) (2.25 oz./64 g at 3% alpha acids)
10.8 AAU Spalt pellet hops (5-0 min.) (2.25 oz./64 g at 4.8% alpha acids)
Yeast strain of choice
Priming sugar (if bottling)

Step by Step
We pre-treated our strike water with 0.9 grams/gallon gypsum and 0.6 grams/gallon calcium chloride to promote a healthy fermentation and hop bitterness. Heat 3.5 gallons (13 L) to achieve a stable mash temperature at 150 °F (66 °C). Hold at this temperature until starch conversion is complete. Sparge with 170 °F (77 °C) water, collecting wort until the pre-boil kettle volume is around 6.5 gallons (25 L).

The total wort boil time is 90 minutes adding the Magnum hops at the very beginning of the boil. Mix all the Spalt and Hersbrucker hops together and start to add slowly with 5 minutes remaining in the boil. Space the addition out over the final 5 minutes.

Whirlpool the wort for 20 minutes then chill the wort to desired fermentation temperature and aerate thoroughly. Pitch the yeast of your choice and ferment at recommended temperature, about 52 °F (11 °C) for bottom
fermenting yeast and 68 °F (20 °C) for top fermenting yeast. If using a bottom fermenting yeast, once active fermentation is complete, bring the beer up to diacetyl rest for two days, then slowly chill back to lagering temperature. After proper lagering time (about one month), rack to a keg and force carbonate or rack to a bottling bucket, add priming sugar, and bottle. Target a carbonation level of 2 to 2.5 volumes.

KROC German Pils

(5 gallons/19 L, extract only)
OG = 1.046 FG = 1.003-1.015 (strain dependent)
IBU = 50 SRM = 4 ABV = 4.1-5.7% (strain dependent)

5.1 lbs. (2.3 kg) Pilsen dried malt extract (2 °L)
10.6 AAU Magnum pellet hops (60 min.) (1.1 oz./31 g at 9.6% alpha acids)
6.8 AAU Hersbrucker pellet hops (5–0 min.) (2.25 oz./64 g at 3% alpha acids)
10.8 AAU Spalt pellet hops (5–0 min.)(2.25 oz./64 g at 4.8% alpha acids)
Yeast strain of choice
Priming sugar (if bottling)

Step by Step
We pre-treat our strike water with 0.9 grams/gallon gypsum and 0.6 grams/gallon calcium chloride to promote a healthy fermentation and hop bitterness. Bring 6 gallons (23 L) of water up to a boil. Remove from heat and add dried malt extract. Bring back to a boil. The total wort boil time is 60 minutes adding the Magnum hops at the very beginning of the boil. Mix all the Spalt and Hersbrucker hops together and start to add slowly with 5 minutes remaining in the boil. Space the addition out over the final 5 minutes.

Whirlpool the wort for 20 minutes then quickly chill the wort to desired fermentation temperature and aerate thoroughly. Pitch the yeast of your choice and ferment at recommended temperature, about 52 °F (11 °C) for bottom fermenting yeast and 68 °F (20 °C) for top fermenting yeast. If using a bottom fermenting yeast, once active fermentation is complete, bring the beer up to diacetyl rest for two days, then slowly chill back to lagering temperature. Now follow the remainder of the all-grain recipe (above).


Issue: September 2014

A hopped up German-style Pilsner pulled together by KROC homebrew club for a yeast experiment.

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