
Maple Porter

Maple Porter

(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
OG = 1.080  FG = 1.016
IBU = 35  SRM = 40  ABV = 8.4%

6.6 lbs. (3 kg) light malt extract syrup
2 lbs. (0.91 kg) light dried malt extract
0.25 lbs. (113 g) black malt
0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg) roasted barley
10 oz. (0.28 kg) chocolate malt
0.75 lb. (0.34 kg) British crystal malt (50° L)
16 oz. (473 mL) dark grade maple syrup
8.5 AAU Northern Brewer hops (60 min.) (1 oz./28 g at 8.5% alpha acids)
Wyeast 1098 (British Ale) yeast
3/4 cup corn sugar (if priming)

Step by Step:

Add the crushed grain in a grain bag to 3 gallons (11 L) of water in the kettle. Bring to a boil. Remove the grain as the temperature approaches 170 °F (77 °C). Add the extracts and bring to a rolling boil. Add hops, and boil for one hour. Pour in maple syrup at the end of boil. Strain the wort into a fermenter containing 2 gallons (7.6 L) of cold water. Top up the fermenter to 5 gallons (19 L). Pitch the yeast and wait for the goodness.

Issue: June 1996
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