
Saison of the Season

Saison of the Season

(5 gallons/19 L, all-grain)
OG = 1.064  FG = 1.012
IBU = 20  SRM = 10  ABV = 6.8%

10.4 lbs. (4.7 kg) Dingemans pale malt (~2°L)
2.1 lbs. (0.95 kg) Briess flaked wheat (~2 °L)
0.50 lbs. (0.23 kg) Weyermann Munich Type I malt
0.50 lbs (0.23 kg) Hugh Baird Carastan malt (15 °L)
0.50 oz. (15 g) Briess roasted barley (300 °L)
6.0 AAU Tettnanger hops (45 min) (1.3 oz./38 g of 4.5% alpha acid)
1.0 oz. (28 g) Styrian Goldings hops (flavor/aroma)
1 package of White Labs WLP565 (Belgian Saison I) or Wyeast 3724 (Belgian Saison) yeast
1 cup light dried malt extract (for priming)

Step by Step
Bière de saison is a simple farmers’ brew, so let’s keep the mash process simple, too. Because modern homebrewers probably start out with much better grains than were available to the farmer-brewers of yonder, a simple infusion mash with two saccharification steps is probably sufficient. Mash in at about 144 °F (62 °C) for a 30-minute hydration and beta-amylase rest. Then raise the temperature to around 154 °F (68 °C) for a 30-minute alpha-amylase rest. Sparge with about 180 °F (82 °C) water until the grain bed reaches the mash-out temperature of 168 °F (76 °C).

Maintain that grain bed temperature and keep on sparging until the kettle wort is about 1.058 (14.5 °P), that is, the wort is roughly 10% thinner than at the target OG at the end of the boil. Boil for about an hour. Add the bittering hops at the standard 15 minutes into the boil. If evaporation losses are greater than 10%, liquor the brew down in the kettle with some cold water. But note that precision is not crucial when brewing a bière de saison.

Add the flavor/aroma hops after shut-down and create a gentle whirlpool in the kettle. Let the brew spin for about 30 minutes. Then siphon the wort off the trub. Heat-exchange to a pitching temperature of roughly 72 °F (22 °C) if you pitch the WLP565. Heat-exchange to roughly 80 °F (27 °C) if you pitch the Wyeast 3724. Aerate the brew thoroughly. Let primary fermentation run its full course. Fermentation may slow down once the brew approaches terminal gravity. Be patient. It may take up to three weeks before the brew comes to rest completely. Rack, prime and bottle all in one process. Of course, you can also rack the brew into a keg. In either case, allow for about three months of conditioning and maturation time at or above room temperature, preferably at 73 °F (23 °C).

Saison of the Season

(5 gallons/19 L, extract w/ grains)
OG = 1.064  FG = 1.012
IBU = 20  SRM = 10  ABV = 6.8%

8.0 lbs (3.6 kg) Pils liquid malt extract (such as Weyermann Bavarian Pilsner)
2.1 lbs. (0.95 kg) Briess flaked wheat (~2 °L)
0.50 lbs. (0.23 kg) Weyermann Munich Type I malt
0.50 lbs (0.23 kg) Hugh Baird Carastan malt (15 °L)
0.50 oz. (15 g) Briess roasted barley (300 °L)
6.0 AAU Tettnanger hops (45 min) (1.3 oz./38 g of 4.5% alpha acid)
1.0 oz. (28 g) Styrian Goldings hops (flavor/aroma)
1 package of White Labs WLP565 (Belgian Saison I) or Wyeast 3724 (Belgian Saison) yeast
1 cup light dried malt extract (for priming)

Step by Step
Mill the specialty grains and place into a steeping bag. Steep grains in about 3 gallons (11 L) of hot water (at about 160 °F or roughly 71 °C) for about an hour. Raise the bag and rinse with 2 or 3 cups of cold water. Do not squeeze the bag. Transfer the steeping liquid to the brew kettle and bring it to a boil. Turn off the heat. Stir in the LME. Bring to a boil again and add the bittering hops after 15 minutes. Boil for another 45 minutes and shut off. From here on, follow the equivalent instructions for the all-grain brew.

Saison of the Season

(5 gallons/19 L, extract only)
OG = 1.064  FG = 1.012
IBU = 20 SRM = 7.5–10  ABV = 6.8%

9.75 lbs (4.4 kg) Pils liquid malt extract (such as Weyermann Bavarian Pilsner)
0.50 fl. oz. (15 mL) of Weyermann SINAMAR® Color Malt Extract
6.0 AAU Tettnanger hops (45 min) (1.3 oz./38 g of 4.5% alpha acid)
1.0 oz. (28 g) Styrian Goldings hops (flavor/aroma)
1 package of White Labs WLP565 (Belgian Saison I) or Wyeast 3724 (Belgian Saison) yeast
1 cup dried malt extract (for priming)

Step by Step
Heat 3 gallons (11. 4 L) of brewing liquor to the boil. Shut off. Stir in the liquid malt extract and the SINAMAR®. Return to a boil and add the bittering hops immediately. Boil for another 45 minutes, shut off and adjust the gravity. From here on following the equivalent instructions for the all-grain brew.

Issue: December 2006

Horst Dornbusch’s final Style Profile recipe for Brew Your Own magazine. This version is a bit darker and medium-bodied than the straw colored light-bodied that many come to expect from a saison. Utilizing a healthy pitch rate will assure brewers that it will not end up sweet though.

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