
Warszawski Porter Lodowy (Warsaw Baltic Porter)

Warszawski Porter Bałtycki (Warsaw Baltic Porter)

(5.25 gal/20 L, all-grain)
OG = 1.092 FG = 1.024
IBU = 64 SRM = 29 ABV = 9%

14.75 lbs. (6.7 kg) Pilsen malt
2.75 lbs. (1.3 kg) light Munich malt (6 °L)
1.5 lbs. (0.68 kg) Viking caramel 600 malt (600 EBC/225 °L)
14 AAU Marynka hop (beginning of boil) (1.4 oz./40 g at 10% alpha acids)
0.5 oz. (15 g) Marynka hop (0 min.)
Saflager W 34/70, or Wyeast XL 2278 (Czech Pils), or Fermentum Mobile FM31 (Bawarska dolina)
½ cup corn sugar (if priming)

Step by Step
Start by making sure your yeast count will be plenty. I used 3 satchets (33 g) of Saflager W 34/70 for pitching considering I wanted to ferment cold. If you plant to use liquid yeast, be sure to a big starter or repitch yeast cake from a session lager. Alternatively you could make a Baltic Porter like the early Polish Porter from the Royal Warsaw Brewery and use an ale yeast, which would require a lower pitch rate.

The original recipe makes use of lactic acid —for water with a pH of 6.2-6.8, use 8 ml. For water with a pH higher than 6.8 – 10 ml. Forewarning: Prepare for an extended wort preparation time due to decoction mash and long boiling time with hops — this should be taken into account when planning the brewing time. Suggested brewing pot capacity of at least 40 L (10 gal.). Be warned that many hours of boiling create huge amounts of steam so a very good ventilated room/kitchen is advisable.

There will be two mashes running concurrently. For mash I, add 1.9 kg (4.2 lbs.) Pilsner malt into 5–6 L (1.3–1.6 gal.) of water at 46 °C (115 °F). Keep the mash for 10 minutes at 45 °C (113 °F). Heat mash up to 52 °C (126 °F), add 1/3 of lactic acid and hold for 15 minutes. Heat up to 62 °C (144 °F) and allow a 15 minute rest. Heat up to 72 °C (162 °F) and hold to a negative iodine test (about 20 minutes). Heat up to boiling and boil for 20 minutes, stir so that the wort does not get burnt.

For mash II, add the remaining malts into 22 L (5.8 gal.) of water at 54 °C (130 °F). Add 2/3 of the lactic acid to the water. Keep the mash for 20 minutes at 52 °C (126 °F). Mix mash I with mash II. The temperature of the whole mash should stabilize at 62 °C (144 °F). If it is lower — heat up and provide a 20 minute break. Heat up to 68 °C (154 °F) and keep it for 15 minutes. Heat up to 72 °C (162°F) and hold to a negative iodine test. Heat up to 75.6 °C (168 °F). Sparge with 20 L (10.6 gal.) of water at 78 °C (172 °F).

Heat up the wort to boiling. Add 40 g (1.4 oz.) of Marynka and boil as long as it takes to obtain the desired 22 °Plato (1.092 SG). On our equipment it took 3 hours. After reaching desired sugar level, turn off the burner and add 15 g (0.53 oz.) of Marynka hops.

Make a whirlpool swirling the wort and let settle for 20 minutes, so the hot sediments and hops gather in the center of the pot. Chill the wort, then transfer the hopped wort to a fermentation vessel. Aerate the wort heavily.

This yeast is best added at a temperature of about 6 °C (43 °F), the temperature of yeast and wort should be similar. Primary fermentation should last at least 22 days at a temperature of 5—7 ° C (41–45 °F). Transfer to a secondary vessel that should last about 14 days. also at 5—7 °C (41–45 °F). The final gravity should be around 5.5–6.5 °P (1.022–1.026 SG).

Bottle prime using about 5 g table sugar or glucose per liter of beer (0.7 oz. sugar/gal of beer). After carbonation has been achieved, store about a week at room temperature, and then store in a dark room at the lowest possible temperature (minimum 4 ºC/39 °F, optimally 8–12 ºC/46–54 °F). Lager for 3 months. Our experience with this recipe is that this beer could be enjoyed already after it gets carbonated — the absence of roasted barley or black malts in the grain bill makes it possible, but of course the longer lagering the better (12 months and on reveal more complexity).

Optional: For creating the iced porter (Warszawski Porter Lodowy) we used the beer right after secondary fermentation. We placed 10 L (2.5 gal.) of the porter outside at roughly -18 to -22 °C (0 to -8 °F) in order to freeze. You could use a freezer at roughly this temperature. Allow to sit at this temperature for 3 days, then rack of in order to bottle.

Issue: December 2018

Here is a recipe for the base beer of Warsaw Baltic Porter from a recipe from the now shut-down Royal Warsaw Brewery, one of the original brewers of the Baltic Porter. The author went on to ice (lodowy) half of the fermented beer to make it a Warszawski Porter Lodowy.

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