
Yogi Berliner

Yogi Berliner

Courtesy of Austin Homebrew Supply
Austin, Texas

(5 gallons/19 L, extract with grains)
OG = 1.035   FG = 1.008
IBU = 6.6   SRM = 3   ABV = 3.5%

This Berliner weisse recipe creates a quick soured ale by using 4 oz. of acidulated malt and a live yogurt culture in a pre-boil starter held at 110 °F (43 °C) for 24 hours prior to brewing. This summer treat provides an authentic Berliner weisse flavor 49 weeks quicker than the traditional Berliner weisse. For an extra refreshing treat on a hot day, you can add a splash of woodruff syrup to each glass when serving. The woodruff syrup addition is an authentic way to create a balance between sweet and sour that will keep you cool and refreshed, even on the hottest of days.


4 lbs. (1.8 kg) extra pale liquid malt extract
1 lb. (0.45 kg) wheat dried malt extract
4 oz. (113 g) acidulated malt
3 AAU Cluster hops (30 min.) (0.3 oz/9 g at 8% alpha acids)
Yogurt culture
White Labs WLP001 (California Ale) or Wyeast 1056 (American Ale) or Safale US-05 yeast.
3⁄4 cup corn sugar (if priming)

Step by step

24 hours before brew day, create a yogurt starter. This is done by adding 1 lb. (0.45 kg) of the extra pale liquid malt extract dissolved into one gallon (3.8 L) of 110 °F (43 °C) water. Pitch yogurt culture and hold at 110 °F (43 °C) for 24 hours. If yogurt culture is unavailable, one can use 3 tablespoons of plain Greek yogurt with live cultures or other reliable source Lacto; following the same instructions.

On brew day, bring 2 gallons (8 L) of water to 155 °F (68 °C) and turn off heat. In a grain bag, soak the acidulated malt in water for 25 minutes. Remove grain bag and allow liquid to drip back into the kettle. Then add 1 gallon (4 L) of water and heat to a boil. Turn off heat and stir in the reaming 3 lbs. (1.35 kg) liquid malt extract, dried malt extract, yogurt culture, being careful not to scorch the bottom of the pot. When dissolved, return heat to a rolling boil. Boil 60 minutes, adding hops with 15 minutes remaining.

When boil is complete, cool to 80 °F (27 °C). Move to fermenter and top off to 5.25 gallons (20 L). Aerate, pitch yeast, and ferment at the temperature recommended by the yeast manufacturer. After about one week, check the specific gravity. When it is within 3 to 4 gravity points of the expected final gravity (1.008), transfer to a secondary fermenter. Allow to clarify for 5 to 7 days. Bottle or keg.

This Berliner weisse recipe creates a quick soured ale by using 4 oz. of acidulated malt and a live yogurt culture

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