Brewery Financial Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPI)
Without knowing the important numbers to look at on your brewery financial spreadsheets you really are flying blind managing your budgets and making informed decisions as a company. Every industry has its own unique metrics to keep a careful eye on as well as key performance indicators (KPIs) and craft brewing is no different. Luckily we have craft brewing numbers expert Audra Gaiziunas joining us to highlight what numbers and ratios matter the most to your brewery’s bottom line and financial health. Click here for the PDF of the presentation.
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pH might not be the most effective method for measuring the perceived sourness when brewing beer. Due to various acid strengths and the buffering capacity of different worts, titratable acidity (TA) is the
Understanding your brewery’s key financial metrics will help you set goals, make more-informed decisions, and achieve better results. You simply can’t accurately look forward without truly understanding the numbers behind the present
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