Evaluating Beer Like a Judge Workshop
Join the President Emeritus and highest ranking beer judge of the Beer Judge Certification Program (BJCP), as you learn the best ways to analyze and evaluate beer so you can improve your own brewing. You’ll learn how to not simply taste your beer, but critically examine it. You’ll follow along with Gordon evaluating a specific line-up of craft beer together in real-time for an interactive learning experience. Knowing how to evaluate your beer is an important skill to develop for any homebrewer and there’s no better person to teach you than Gordon.
**Please note this four-hour workshop is best experienced by purchasing in advance the following four beers evaluated during the session: Reissdorf Kölsch, Murphy’s Stout, Schneider Weisse Aventinus, and Cigar City Jai Alai.
To download a PDF file of Gordon’s presentation slides please click on this link: https://byo.com/wp-content/uploads/BYO-2022-Master-Judge-Webcast-Gordon-Storong.pdf
Here is a link to the BJCP Style Guidelines: https://www.bjcp.org/beer-styles/beer-style-guidelines/
Here is a PDF link to the AHA/BJCP sanctioned competition scoresheet: https://legacy.bjcp.org/docs/SCP_BeerScoreSheet.pdf
Here is Gordon’s Reissdorf Kölsch BJCP scoresheet: https://byo.com/wp-content/uploads/Reissdorf-scoresheet-scaled.jpg
Here is Gordon’s Murphy’s Stout BJCP scoresheet: https://byo.com/wp-content/uploads/Murphys-scoresheet-scaled.jpg
See Gordon’s BJCP scoresheet for the Schneider Weisse Aventinus here: https://byo.com/wp-content/uploads/Aventinus-scoresheet-scaled.jpg
See Gordon’s BJCP scoresheet for the Cigar City Jai Alai here: https://byo.com/wp-content/uploads/Jaialai-scoresheet-scaled.jpg
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