BYO Beer Ingredient Bundle includes 4 Workshop Videos
4 Main Beer Ingredients. 4 Workshops Videos. 4 Experts. We’re tackling the four main brewing ingredients – yeast, water, malt, and hops – in four different 2-hour workshop videos led by brewing experts. Buy the bundle and you get video replay access to all four and save 25%! Don’t miss Mitch Steele on Hops, John palmer on Water, Dr. Laura Burns on Yeast, and Ashton Lewis on Malt. $150 for the Bundle.
4 Main Beer Ingredients. 4 Workshop Videos. 4 Experts. We’re tackling the four main brewing ingredients – yeast, water, malt, and hops – in four different 2-hour workshop video replays led by brewing experts. Buy the bundle and you get video replay access to all four and save 25%! Don’t miss Mitch Steele on Hops, John Palmer on Water, Dr. Laura Burns on Yeast, and Ashton Lewis on Malt:
Yeast with Dr. Laura Burns
Water with John Palmer
Malt with Ashton Lewis
Hops with Mitch Steele
$150 for the Bundle