Craft Brewery Financials Workshop
Join craft brewery financial expert Audra Gaiziunas for four hours to learn the tools to better understand and manage a craft brewery’s money needs. You’ll start the day gaining an understanding of the importance of finance and accounting in craft beer and learn the top financial mistakes breweries make (and how to avoid them). You’ll then be introduced to the basics of the brewery balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statements to understand how they all tie together for your brewery business. You’ll also learn basic ratio analysis to better communicate with bankers and investors. Brewery cost accounting will be covered including beer recipe costing and overhead allocation. Plus during this online workshop budgeting, inventory management, and standard operating procedures you should have in place will be discussed.
Link for a PDF file of Audra’s presentation slides:
Link for a chart of accounts spreadsheet for breweries that Audra has pulled together for this workshop:
Link for a PDF of presentation slides from Audra on cash flow:
Link for the Costing template:
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