Writer: Christopher Wood
Step-by-Step All-Grain Brewing
Like many homebrewers, my first batch of beer was made with a basic extract kit, complete with instructions and all the ingredients necessary for my brew of choice. I enjoyed the whole
Human beings require air to breathe and sustain life. The air we breathe is composed of approximately 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.93% argon, 0.039% carbon dioxide, and 0.031% other gasses. Although oxygen
Fermentation Timeline
Every time I brew I undoubtedly find myself staring at my fermenter for minutes at a time during peak fermentation when carbon dioxide (CO2) is rhythmically gurgling out of my blow off
Cultivate Your Own House Yeast
For thousands of years yeast have been used to make bread, wine, and beer. In fact, modern day archaeologists have found ceramic pots in the tombs of Egyptian pharaohs containing dried yeast
Yeast Have Hearts
With six years experience as a yeast cell biologist, and 10 as a homebrewer, I appreciate the intricacies of yeast. These single-cell organisms have many notable attributes including the ability to make bread