Craft Brewery Start Up Workshop
Steve Parkes of the American Brewers Guild will walk you through the steps, planning decisions, and keys you need to know if you want to launch a commercial craft brewery. He’ll be joined by two experts to round out this recorded six-hour video workshop: Audra Gaiziunas will discuss business plans and the key financial numbers you need to know starting up a brewery and Matthew McLaughlin will teach you the legal checklist any start-up brewery should have in hand. Learn from their decades of expertise and experience to help you achieve your dream of opening up a brewery.
Link to Steve’s presentation slides:
Link to Audra’s presentation slides:
Link to Audra’s Brewery Start-Up P&L:
Link to Audra’s Sales and COGs Matrix:
Link to Audra’s Startup Initial Project Capitalization:
Link to Matthew’s presentation slides:
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