Topic: Build It Yourself
Build a Flow-Through Thermometer: Projects
Want to know the temperature of the water exiting your counterflow chiller? Get in line — an in-line thermometer that is.
Build a Continuous Sparging System: Projects
With one trip to the hardware store and a short build session, you can have your own homemade sparging system. We’ll go step-by-step through the parts and procedures to make this useful piece of all-grain equipment.
Build a Mash/Lauter Vessel: Projects
Looking to try all-grain brewing, but worrying about the cost of new equipment? Learn how to build an inexpensive mash/lauter vessel.
Build a Burton Union System: Projects
Our homebrew interpretation of a Burton Union system can be used for harvesting yeast or reclaiming beer that would have been lost out the blow-off tube. Save the beer for your glass, not your floor.
Build an Open Fermenter: Projects
Buckets and carboys are the most common homebrew fermenters. For those open to experimentation, however, we present our open fermenter project, in which we prove it’s hip to be square.
Build a Cast Tap Handle: Projects
With the help of a casting kit, you can play with clay and turn your sculpture into a custom killer tap handle for your homebrew.
Build a Continuous Wort Hopper
Want to drop hops in your wort at a steady rate over the course of the boil? Then let us show you how to build your own over-the-top continuous wort hopper. All you need is a length of PVC pipe, a motor and the desire to brew real hop monsters. Plus: Put it to work — a clone recipe for Dogfish Head’s 60-Minute IPA.
Building Plastic Mini-Kegs: Projects
How to build a fantastic plastic mini-keg for bringing your homebrew to parties.
Build a Counterflow Wort Chiller
Chill on the cheap by building your own counterflow wort chiller for about forty bucks. With one trip to the hardware store and about an hour of build time, you can be chilling your wort quickly and efficiently with this "cool" project. Plus: A Rundown of Different Chilling Options
Build a Transparent In-Line Aerator: Projects
Build an aeration system that you can see right through.
Build a Counter-Pressure Bottle Filler: Projects
Want to bottle sediment-free beer from your keg? With an hour of your time and $30 worth of parts, you can make your own counter-pressure bottle filler.
Building a Weldless Boil Kettle or Mash Tun
Turn a Sanke keg into a boil kettle or mash tun without picking up a welder’s torch. Our solution for converting a kicked keg into a killer piece of brewing equipment.