Topic: Build It Yourself

Building 3 Tiers to Beer


Want to build your own quarter or half-barrel brewing system? We’ll take you step-by-step from stainless steel tubes to a sturdy stand for a three-vessel brewing system capable of brewing 5 to 13-gallon (19-49 L) batches of beer.

Build a Multiple-Bottle Filler


A full 5-gallon (19-L) batch of homebrew requires filling 53 12-oz. (355 mL) bottles. What if you could fill more than one bottle at a time?

Build a Bottle/Carboy/Hose Sanitizing Sprayer: Projects


Our Project guy reworks his favorite project — a bottle sanitizing sprayer. Convert a Corny keg to a cool and useful gadget. that can handle a variety of your brewing equipment.

Build Two Hopbacks: Projects


Maximize hop aroma with one of our two simple hopbacks.

Build a Beer Engine: Projects


Move your brew without CO2? Now you can, too, if you build your own beer engine.

Draftline Cleaner: Projects


The last link between you and your brew is your draft lines. Keep ’em clean with this simple, but highly useful, project.

Convert a keg to a kettle with a spigot


Jeremy, this sort of question comes about once a year and when I answer I always “beat up” the questioner . . . so I hope you’re a good sport! Okay, just

4 Great Projects!


For many homebrewers, building their brewing equipment is half the fun. Here we take a look at some homebrewing projects to help you brew better and enjoy your beer more: a simple but ingenious bottle filler, a home bar, an efficient lagering and serving freezer conversion, plus a peristaltic pump.

Mash/Lauter Tun: Projects


An updated mash/lauter tun for RIMS brewing.

Build a Hop Transducer


What is this thing that Dogfish Head Brewing has unleashed? Here’s how to build the ultimate serving gadget for hopheads!

Build a Keg Lid Carbonator: Projects


Keg it and carbonate it quick with this handy device you can make.


Make Your Own Spindle Tap Handles: Projects


Tap handles are a quick, easy project to add some class to your kegging setup.

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