Mr. Wizard

Topic: Cleaning/Sanitation

12 result(s) found.

The Necessity For Sanitizing Everything Post-Chilling


This question is timely; the last time I brewed I was daydreaming about the necessity of sanitizing everything that touches beer after wort cooling because the use of sanitizers is relatively new

Mr. Wizard’s Guide to Cleaning Your Draft System


Clean draft lines and faucets are key to any properly maintained draft beer system. The good news for the homebrewer is that our draft lines tend to be relatively short and contain

Question About Cleaning Copper


Many brewers and cooks love copperware for its heat transfer properties and attractive appearance. One of the downsides, however, to copper is that pretty, honey-like color turns brown over time and requires

Handling With Frozen Fruit


Hollywood movies generously apply dramatic license in all matters of the world. But when it comes to portraying the resurrection of frozen life forms, there is not much exaggeration when the organism

Cleaning Chillers


The Wizard suggests the best solution to clean a copper immersion chiller and more.

White Spots On Top of My Brew


I am not completely sure about the nature of these little floaters. I think, however, that it is possibly either yeast, as you suggest, or protein clumps. Some yeast strains have a tendency to

Steam sanitation


Heat, especially moist heat, is an excellent way to sanitize and even sterilize brewing equipment. If you partially fill your keg with water, bring it to a boil and restrict the flow

Can iodophor be used as a no-rinse sanitizer?


Iodophor is a very effective sanitizer and, unlike bleach, can safely be used as a no-rinse sanitizer without adversely affecting the flavor of your beer. The recommended concentration of iodophor is 25

Bleach to clean and sanitize


The author of the question about root-beer tainted beer did acknowledge in his question that bleach is a “no-no.” I focused on the root-beer flavor taint and should have commented on that

Cleaning a soda keg


Ah, the old birch-beer beer. This reminds me of a time when I screwed up a beer experiment with the remnants of a root beer experiment. We had three groups in our

Cleaning beer glasses?


With beer glasses, the don’ts are much more critical than the do’s. The biggest no-no is leaving any type of soap or fat on the glass surface. These compounds will ruin beer

Can I use water with ozone in it to sanitize equipment?


When ozone is bubbled through water, the water is said to be “ozonated.” Ozone is a potent oxidizing compound due to its instability and it breaks down according to the following chemistry:

12 result(s) found.